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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件与程序设计程序设计综合C++面向对象程序设计双语教程



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 刘嘉敏,马广焜,常燕 等编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
丛编项: 普通高等院校"十二五"规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787118086034 出版时间: 2013-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 245 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Programming
1.1.1 What Is Programming?
1.1.2 How Do We Write a Program?
1.2 The Evolution of Programming Language
1.2.1 Assembly and Machine Languages
1.2.2 Early Languages
1.2.3 Later-Generation Languages
1.2.4 Modem Languages
1.3 Programming Methodologies
1.3.1 Structured Programming
1.3.2 Object-Oriented Programming
1.4 Object-Oriented Programming
1.5 C + + Programming Language
1.5.1 History of CandC++
1.5.2 Learning C + +
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Chapter 2 Basic Facilities
2.1 C + + Program Structure
2.2 Input/Output Streams
2.3 Constant
2.4 Functions
2.4.1 Function Declarations
2.4.2 Function Definitions
2.4.3 Default Parameters
2.4.4 Inline Functions
2.4.5 Overloaded Functions
2.5 References
2.5.1 Reference Definition
2.5.2 Reference Variables as Parameters
2.5.3 References as Value-Returning
2.5.4 References as Left-Hand Values
2.6 Namespaces
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Chapter 3 Classes and Objects ( I )
3.1 Structures
3.1.1 Defining a Structure
3.1.2 Accessing Members of Structures
3.1.3 Structures with Member Functions
3.2 Data Abstraction and Classes
3.2.1 Data Abstraction
3.2.2 Defining Classes
3.2.3 Defining Objects
3.2.4 Using Member Functions
3.2.5 In-Class Member Function Definition
3.2.6 File Structure of an Abstract Data Type
3.3 Information Hiding
3.4 Access Control
3.5 Constructors
3.5.1 Overloading Constructors
3.5.2 Constructors with Default Parameters
3.6 Destructors
3.6.1 Definition of Destructors
3.6.2 Order of Constructor and Destructor Calls
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Chapter 4 Classes and Objects ( II )
4.1 Constant Members
4.2 this Pointers
4.3 Static Members
4.4 Free Store
4.5 Objects as Members of A Class
4.6 Copy Members
4.6.1 Definition of Copy Constructors
4.6.2 Shallow Copy and Deep Copy
4.7 Arrays of Objects
4.8 Friends
4.8.1 Friend Functions
4.8.2 Friend Classes
4.9 Examples of User-Defined Types
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Chapter 5 Operator Overloading
5.1 Why Operator Overloading Is Need
5.2 Operator Functions
5.2.1 Overloaded Operators
5.2.2 Operator Functions
5.3 Binary and Unary Operators
5.3.1 Overloading Binary Operators
5.3.2 Overloading Unary Operators
5.4 Overloading Combinatorial Operators
5.5 Mixed Arithmetic of User-Defined Types
5.6 Type Conversion of User-Defined Types
5.7 Examples of Operator Overloading
5.7.1 A Complex Number Class
5.7.2 A String Class
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Chapter 6 Inheritance
6.1 Class Hierarchies
6.2 Derived Classes
6.2.1 Declaration of Derived Classes
6.2.2 Structure of Derived Classes
6.3 Constructors and Destructors of Derived Classes
6.3.1 Constructors of Derived Classes
6.3.2 Destructors of Derived Classes
6.3.3 Order of Calling Class Objects
6.3.4 Inheritance and Composition
6.4 Member Functions of Derived Classes
6.5 Access Control
6.5.1 Access Control in A Class
6.5.2 Access to Base Classes
6.6 Multiple Inheritance
6.6.1 Declaration of Multiple Inheritance
6.6.2 Constructors of Multiple Inheritance
6.7 Virtual Inheritance
6.7.1 Multiple Inheritance Ambiguities
6.7.2 Trying to Solve Inheritance Ambiguities
6.7.3 Virtual Base Classes
6.7.4 Constructing Objects of Multiple Inheritance
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Chapter 7 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions
7.1 Polymorphism
7.1.1 Concept of Polymorphism
7.1.2 Binding
7.2 Virtual Functions
7.2.1 Definition of Vitual Functions
7.2.2 Extensibility
7.2.3 Principle of Virtual Functions
7.2.4 Virtual Destructors
7.2.5 Function Overloading and Function Overriding
7.3 Abstract Base Classes
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Chapter 8 Templates
8.1 Templates Mechanism
8.2 Function Templates and Template Functions
8.2.1 Why We Use Function Templates?
8.2.2 Definition of Function Templates
8.2.3 Function Template Instantiation
8.2.4 Function Template with Different Parameter Types
8.2.5 Function Template Overloading
8.3 Class Templates and Template Classes
8.3.1 Definition of Class Templates
8.3.2 Class Template Instantiation
8.4 Non-Type Parameters for Templates
8.5 Derivation and Class Templates
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