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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语视听说教程(教师手册4·第3版)



定 价:¥66.00

作 者: (美)Susan Stempleski 杨惠中 等著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 新世纪大学英语系列教材
标 签: 其它分类


ISBN: 9787544626170 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 183 字数:  






1 Our Earth
Topic The natural and man-made world
Vocabulary Natural wonder; engineering feats
Functior Offering another opinion
Lesson A Listening & Speaking The natural world
Vocabulary Link:Natural wonder
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Similar stress patterr
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Global Viewpoints:Natural wonder
Man-made structures
City Living:I love skyscraper!
2 Technology Today
Topic Modern technology
Vocabulary Computer words; describing products
Functior Showing interest
Lesson A Listening and Speaking Computer are everywhere.
Vocabulary Link:Computer words
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Pron unciation of s in used to and use / used
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Global Viewpoints:Technology today
City Living:The firt word processor
3 Newspaper and the News
Topic News, newspaper, and journalism
Vocabulary People who bring us news; newspaper
Functior Asking about identity
Lesson A Listening & Speaking The people behind the news
Vocabulary Link:Newsmaker
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Identifying unclear vowels
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Global Viewpoints:Jobs in the news
News sources
City Living:What are you waiting for?
4 The World of Work
Topic Jobs and occupatio
Vocabulary Job qualities; two-word jobs
Functio Asking about ability
Vocabulary Link:Job qualities
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Reduced for in time expressio
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
teonB Video Cou e Dreamjobs
Global Viewpoints:What do you do?
Dream jobs
City Living:The big job interview
5 Big Business
Topic International businesses; advertising
Vocabulary Describing companies; ways of advertising
Functio Talking about approximate amounts
Vocabulary Link:International companies
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Stress on nou and verbs with the same spelling
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B video Cou e Big busin
Global Viewpoints:Companies and advertising
City Living:"Furniture Showroom"——Take one
6 Wealth
Topic Wealthy lifestyles and striking it rich
Vocabulary The life of luxury
Functio Expressing sympathy; expressing wishes
Vocabulary Link:The life of luxury
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Linking the same co onant sound
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Leuon B videoCou Striking it dch
Global Viewpoints:I wish
Striking it rich
City Living:Mike's Uncle Max
7 Social Issues
Topic Local and global issues
Vocabulary Community issues; world problems
Functio Making a complaint / asking for help; agreeing and disagreeing
Vocabulary Link:Community issues
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Emphatic stress
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
R VideoCou e Community issues
Global Viewpoints:In my community
Global issues
City Living:What do you think of New York?
8 Honestly Speaking
Topic Lying, truth, and trust
Vocabulary Is lying ever OK?
Functio Giving direct advice; asking for opinion
Vocabulary Link:Is lying ever OK?
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Rising intonation to show surprise
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Cou e Honesty is the best polio,
Global Viewpoints:Lies, lies, lies!
City Living:Honesty is the best policy.
Review:Units 1-4 Testing Your Listening Comprehe ion
Review:Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Comprehe ion
