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视听说教程(第3版 教师手册·3)

视听说教程(第3版 教师手册·3)

定 价:¥66.00

作 者: (美)Susan Stempleski 杨惠中 等著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材·新世纪大学英语系列教材
标 签: 大学教材教辅 大学英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787544626194 出版时间: 2012-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 181 字数:  




暂缺《视听说教程(第3版 教师手册·3)》作者简介


1 Let's Go Somewhere!
Topic Trip preparatior and travel
Vocabulary Tasks before a trip; airline travel
Functior Saying you've forgotten something
Lesson A Before you gO
Vocabulary Link:Tasks before a trip
Listening:Activities I-5
Pronunciation:Reduced have to and has to
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure Travel
Global Viewpoints:Travel
City Living:Mexico —— here we come!
2 Indoor and Outdoor
Topic Indoor and outdoor environments
Vocabulary Items around the home
Functior Saying what you want; expressing something is prohibited
Lesson A Listening and Speaking At home
Vocabulary Link:Around the house
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Plural endings/s/,/zJ, and Iz/
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure Places and rules
Global Viewpoints:My dream home Rules
City Living:Imaginary beach
3 Life Is All About Change
Topic Life changes and the future
Vocabulary The stages of life
Functior Expressing intentior
Lesson A Listening & Speaking The times of your life
Vocabulary Link:The stages of life
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Emphasis patterr
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure in the tuture
Global Viewpoints:Turning points
In the future
City Living:Go with the flow
4 Health
Topic Illness, symptoms, and treatments
Vocabulary Symptoms and remedies
Functior Checking how someone feel?
Lesson A Listening and Speaking How do you fells?
Vocabulary Link:It gave me indigestion.
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Dropping the h
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure Getting better
Global Viewpoints:Getting better
City Living:It must be a miracle!
5 Student Life
Topic Student life
Vocabulary Applying to and starting college
Functior Asking about meaning
Lesson A Listening and Speaking Starting out
Vocabulary Link:Applying to and starting college
Listening.Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Reduced pronunciation of going to
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Couse After graduation
Global Viewpoints:After graduation Five year from now
City Living:The letter
6 Telecommunicatior
Topic Telephoning and cell phones
Vocabulary Telephoning
Functior Making a phone call
Lesson A Listening and Speaking Telephoning
Vocabulary Link:A telephone quiz
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Repeating to clarify information
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure Crazy for cell Phones
Global Viewpoints:Cell phones
City Living:I can't stand cell phones!
7 Sports and Hobbies
Topic Sports and hobbies
Vocabulary Sports, pastimes, and athletes
Functior Asking if someone knows something; talking about practicing something
Lesson A Listening and Speaking in my free time
Vocabulary Link:Fun things to do
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Compound nour
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure The active life
Global Viewpoints:Favorite activities
Favorite sports
City Living:Practice makes perfect
8 Men and Women
Topic Differences between men and women; dating
Vocabulary Describing men and women
Functior Giving more than one reason
Lesson A Listening and Speaking How do I look?
Vocabulary Link:Describing men and women
Listening:Activities 1-5
Pronunciation:Listing items in a series
Speaking & Communication:Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Coure Dating
Global Viewpoints:What's your type?Dating
City Living:Looking for Mr.Right
Review:Units 1-4 Testing Your Listening Compreherion
Review:Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Compreherion
