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定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 朱先明,安红 编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787301187135 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 134 字数:  






unit 1
passage 1 memory and the human brain
passage 2 the importance of being bilingual
passage 3 words of advice from bill gates
passage 4 when in rome do as the romans do
unit 2
passage 1 how the picture changes
passage 2 family
passage 3 valentine roses
passage 4 never accept pay for a kindness
unit 3
passage 1 it’s not easy being male
passage 2 being there at her hour of need
passage 3 bringing up boys and girls
passage 4 caught in the web of the internet
unit 4
passage 1 my friendly insurance agent
passage 2 a successful retailing strategy
passage 3 contrasting types of economic system
passage 4 competition
unit 5
passage 1 the dujiangyan dam
passage 2 traveling in the jungle
passage 3 gearing up for a long trip
passage 4 egypt without tears
unit 6
passage 1 how it affects your health
passage 2 noise, killer of mankind
passage 3 warmer water threatens fish globally
passage 4 children on school buses breathe more pollution
unit 7
passage 1 in search for happiness
passage 2 everlasting love
passage 3 mother teresa
passage 4 a miracle
unit 8
passage 1 china’s food safety law
passage 2 china launches new project to support poor students
passage 3 china education and training industry report
passage 4 china’s ncee sees 1st drop in candidates
mark sheet
timed reading rate chartc
key to comprehension exercises
