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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 李荣庆,李全福 编
出版社: 天津大学出版社
丛编项: 新曙光现代商务英语系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787561839638 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 110 字数:  






Unit One The Theory of International Trade
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Two World Trade Organization
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Three Marketing
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Four Marketing Mix
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills --:
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Five Promotion Activities
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Six Brand Strategy.
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Seven Business and Managerial Ethics
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Eight Women in Business
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Nine The Stocks
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Ten Business Recession
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Eleven Free Trade and Protectionism
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
Unit Twelve Intellectual Property Rights
Section 1 Enjoy the Story
Section 2 Build Your Oral Vocabulary
Section 3 Drill in Sentence Patterns
Section 4 Present Your Oral Skills
Section 5 Discuss around Your Desk
Section 6 Handle Business Special Terms
