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新时代大学英语4(学生用书 第2版)

新时代大学英语4(学生用书 第2版)

定 价:¥26.90

作 者: 臧金兰 等编
出版社: 中国石油大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563626915 出版时间: 2010-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 232 字数:  




暂缺《新时代大学英语4(学生用书 第2版)》作者简介


Unit 1 Energy
Text Saving Energy and Energy Conservation
After-class Reading Energy Crisis
Unit 2 the Value of Life
Text A Handful of Clay
After-class Reading Not All Will Be Stars, But We Can Light Our
Unit 3 Youth Today
Text The Odyssey Years
After-class Reading What Youngsters Expect in Life
Unit 4 Technology and Humanity
Text The Robotic Economy: Brave New World or a Return
to Slavery?
After-class Reading Text Generation Gap: U R 2 Old
Unit 5 Gender Differences
Text Gender Roles from a Cultural Perspective
After-class Reading What is a Boy? What is a Girl?
Unit 6 Three Days to See
Text Three Days to See (1)
After-class Reading Three Days to See (2)
Unit 7 Education
Text Education Is Supposed to Make You Rich. Not Wealthy
After-class Reading Don' t Define Me by My School
Unit 8 Harmony and the Dream
Text Harmony and the Dream
After-class Reading Western Civilization Faces a Stork Choice
Listening and Speaking
Unit 1 Daily Life
Unit 2 Education
Unit 3 Youth Today
Unit 4 Culture
Unit 5 Gender Differences
Unit 6 Technology and Humanity
Unit 7 Success & Happiness
Unit 8 Famous People
Phrases and Expressions
