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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 冯晓梅 编
出版社: 中国石油大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563623273 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 250 字数:  






Unit 1 Personal Relationships
Sectidn 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage The Gift of Life
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage We All Need Friends
Unit 2 Remembering and Forgetting
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage Special Delivery
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Memory and the Human Brain
Unit 3 More Than Words
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage Communication Without Words
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Learn How to Listen
Unit 4 Fresh Start
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage Fresh Start
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Becoming a Successful Student
Unit 5 Animal World
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage Do Animals Have a Culture?
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Ready for Danger
Unit 6 A World of Mystery
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage The Bermuda Triangle
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Life Elsewhere?
Unit 7 Choices in Life
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage Take Risks When There's No Danger
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage The Two Brothers
Unit 8 Romantic Stories
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage A True Love Story
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Appointment with Love
Unit 9 Holidays and Special Days
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage A Merry Christmas
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage Why I Love Thanksgiving
Unit 10 Agriculture
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage Farming for the Future
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage The History of Agriculture
