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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 李泮池 著
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 语言文字 语言.文字 英语教学


ISBN: 9787309067798 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 236 字数:  






Unit One The United Nations
Text A Midlife Crisis
Text B The Worlds Toughest Job
Unit Two The Middle East
Text A A11 Together Now
Text B Consequences of Power
Unit Three Unification of Europe
Text A Europe:How Fast? How Far?
Text B Has Europe Failed in Asia?
Unit Four The Balkans
Text A Reluctant Warrior
Text B The Drive for Countries of Their Own
Unit Five Former Soviet Union and Russia
Text A Final Dissolution of an Empire
Text B Russias Future Shadowed by Centuries of Conquest
Unit Six The Gulf War
Text A Iraq Crisis Reflects Shift in World Alliances
Text B The Weapons Inside the High-Tech Arsenal
Unit Seven Nuclear Proliferation
Text A North Korea Destroys Nuclear Tower
Text B Formula for Terror.
Unit Eight Information Superhighway
Text A The Future Is Already Here
Text B Microsoft After Gates
Unit Nine Stock Market
Text A China:First BRIC to Crumble?
Text B Market Mania
Independent Study 1 US Presidential Election 2008
Text A Clinton Is Willing to Take No.2 Spot But She Doesn’t Have a Lock on It
Text B Unity Is Now Key for Democrats
Independent Study 2 Same Sex Marage
Text A California Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Struck Down
Text B California Court Affirms Right to Gay Marriage
Independent Study 3 Sichuan Earth Quake
Text A China Stands Still to Remember Quake Victims
Text B Chinas Old Ways Shaken by Quake
Independent Study 4 International Financial Crisis
Text A Obama Is Said to Drop Plan for “Car Czar” to Fix Detroit
Text B Auto Industry Bailout
附录1 世界主要英文报刊简介
附录2 世界主要国际性通讯社简介
附录3 英文报刊阅读常识
附录4 英美报刊网址
