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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语轮机工程材料(英文版)



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 严志军 等编
出版社: 大连海事大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563226740 出版时间: 2012-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 221 字数:  






Chapter l Introduction
1.1 States of materials
1.2 Bonds of solid materials
1.3 Types of engineering materials
1.4 Exercises
Chapter 2 Manufacture of Iron and Steel Products
2.1 Fabrication of ironand steel materials
2.2 Products ofiron and steel
2.3 Exemses
Chapter 3 Properties of Metalsand Testing Methods
3.1 Strength and ductility of metal
3.2 Hardness of metal
3.3 Toughness of metal
3.4 Fatigue strength ofmetal
3.5 Some mechanical properties at high temperature
3.6 Other properties ofmetal
3.7 Exercises
Chapter 4 Crystal Structures and Solidification of Metal
4.1 Crystal slruc~esofmatals
4.2 Imperfection in metallic solids
4.3 Solidification and crystallization of metal
4.4 Exercises
Chapter 5 Plastic Deformation and Recrystalization of Metals
5.1 Plastic deformation ofsinglecrystalline metals
5.2 Plastic deformation ofpolycrystalline metals
5.3 Mechanisms o fstrengthening in metals
5.4 Changes of metal at elevated temperature
5.5 Cold and hot working
5.6 Exercises
Chapter 6 Phase Diagrams
6.1 Phasediagrams o falloy
6.2 Iron—iron carbide diagram
6.3 Different reactions ofFeC alloys during cooling
6.A The effects o falloyingd ements on iron alloy phase diagrams
6.5 Exercises
Chapter 7 Heat Treatment ofMetal
7.1 Strural changes of steel when beating
7.2 Structural changes ofsteel when cooling
7.3 Annealing and nonnalizing ofsteel
7.4 Quenching and tempering ofmetal
7.5 Surface modification and heat treatment
7.6 Exercises
Chapter 8 Industrial Steels
8.1 Cal'bon andalloying elementsin steel
8.2 Carbon steel grades
8.3 AIloy slructtwal steel grades
8.4 Alloy tool steel grades
8.5 Special steel grades
8.6 Exercises
Chapter 9 Cast Iron
9.1 Introduction of castiron
9.2 Gray castiron
9.3 Malleable cast iron
9.4 Ductile iron
9.5 Compacted graphiteiron
9.6 Special purpose cast iron
9.7 Exercises
Chapter 10 Non Ferrous Metals and Alloys
10.1 Copper and alloys
10.2 Ahunmum and alloys
10.3 Titanium and alloys
10.4 Bearing alloys
10.5 Exercises
Chapter 11 Nonmetallic Materials
11.1 Polymer material
11.2 Plastic and rubber material
ll.3 Ceramic material
11.4 Composite material
11.5 Exercises
Chapter 12 Application ofMaterial for Marine Engineering
12.1 Crankshaft materials
12.2 Connecting rod materials
12.3 Cylinder liner materials
12.4 Piston materials
12.5 Gudgeon pin materials
12.6 Piston ring materials
12.7 Hot valve materials
12.8 Propeller materials
12.9 Rolling bearing materials
12.10 Turbocharger nozzle ring and blades
12.11 Exercises
