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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语交通科技英语(修订版)



定 价:¥40.00

作 者: 程世平,李锐 编
出版社: 黄山书社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787806307991 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 432 字数:  






Part 1 Basic Knowledge
Lesson 1 英语科技文章翻译特点
Lesson 2 汉译英翻译特点
Part 2 Computer English
Lesson 1 Organizaion of Computers
Lesson 2 Whatis a Processor
Lesson 3 The Storage Hierarchy
Lesson 4 Computer-systemlnput/Output
Lesson 5 Summary of os
Lesson 6 Computer Network
Lesson 7 DatabaseAccess
Lesson 8 Elements ofMultimedia
Lesson 9 How Computer Viruses Work?
Lesson 10 Whatisthelnternet?
Appendix Common and Special Items
Part 3 Machinery and Automobile Engineering
Lesson 1 Joints of Machine Elements
Lesson 2 PowerTransmission
Lesson 3 Shaft and Bearings
Lesson 4 Introduction to Bulldozers
Lesson 5 The Electrical System and the Dynamo and Battery
Lesson 6 The Coil and the Distributor
Lesson 7 The Petrol System and the Carburettor
Lesson 8 The Pistons and Crankshaft The Valves and Camshaft
Lesson 9 The Four-stroke Cycle of Engine Operation and the Cooling System
Lesson 10 Engine Lubrication and the Clutch
Lesson 11 Do You Understand Your.Auto Insurance Policy?
Lesson 12 Automotive Mechatronics
Appendix Common and Specialltems
Part 4 Civil Engineering
Lesson 1 Prestressed Concrete
Lesson 2 Location Surveys in Rural Areas
Lesson 3 Reinforced Concrete
Lesson 4 Civil Engineering Contracts
Lesson 5 Pavement
Lesson 6 Highway Subgrade
Lesson 7 Urban Transportation Planning
Lesson 8 Bridges
Lesson 9 Road Construction
Lesson 10 The Cable-stayed Bridge System
Lesson 11 Brieflntroduction to Highway Construction Cost
Lesson 12 The Project Quality Control of the Highway
Appendix Common and Specialltems
Part 5 Accounting and Transportation
Lesson 1 A Brieflntroduction to Accounting
