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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 朱德光,栾玉芹 编
出版社: 煤炭工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787502036478 出版时间: 2010-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 138 字数:  






Unit 1 Work Safety Science and Technology
1.1 Definition of Safety
1.2 Definition of Work Safety
1.3 Definition of Safety Science
1.4 History of Workplace Safety in the United States,1880.1970
1.4.1 The Nineteenth Century
1.4.2 Improving Safety.1910.1939
1.4.3 Postwar Trends.1945..1970
Supplementary Reading
Unit 2 Work Safety Philosophy
2.1 Safety Philosophy
2.1.2 Communication
2.1.3 Motivation
2.1.4 SMesmans Mp
2.2 Safety Promotion Methods
2.2.1 Safety Posters and Stickers
2.2.2 Safety Contexts
2.2.3 Safety Suggestions
2.2.4 Recognition and Rewards
2.2.5 Recognition Organization
2.3 Safety and Occupational Health Management Principles
2.4 Summary
Supplementary Reading
Unit 3 Psychology of Work Safety
3.1 Psychology of Work Safety
3.2 T11eRelationshipbetweenthePhysiologyandthePsychologyofSafety
3.3 Human Factors
3.4 Ergonomics
3.5 The Relationship between Human Factors and Ergonomics
3.6 Examples of Human Factors and Ergonomics Applications
3.7 Role of the Psychology of Work Safety
3.7.1 The Significance oft he Psychology of Safety
3.7.2 The Application of the Psychology of Safety to Safe Production
Supplementary Reading
Unit 4 Work Safety Behaviorism
4.1 Behavioral Work Safety
4.2 Focusing on Unsafe Work Behavior
4.3 Reasons of People Behaving Unsafely
4.4 Methods of Stopping Unsafe Behavior
4.4.1 Engineer out Hazards
4.4.2 Change People's Attitudes
4.4.3 Punish People until They Behave Safely
4.4.4 Praise People for Behaving Safely
4.5 Improving Work Safety Behavior
Supplementary Reading
Unit 5 Safley Culture
5.1 History and Development of Safety Culture
5.2 Role of Safety Culture in Incident Investigation
5.3 Characteristics of a Positive Safety Culture
Supplementary Reading
Unit 6 Work Safety Management
6.1 Definition of Workplace Safety Management
6.2 Basic Elements of Workplace Safety Management
6.3 Importance of Management Commitment
6.4 10-Point Components of a Safety Management Plan
6.5 Integrated Safety Management System
6.5.1 Objective of Integrated Safety Management
6.5.2 Guiding Principles for Integrated Safety Management
Supplementary Reading
Unit 7 Work Safety Regulations and Laws
7.1 Chapter I:General Provisions
7.2 Chapter IV:Supervision and Control over Work Safety
Supplementary Reading
Unit 8 Risk Assessment
8.1 Definition of Risk Assessment
8.2 Reasons of Carrying out a Risk Assessment
8.3 Steps of Carrying out a Risk Assessment
8.3.1 Collecting Information
8.3.2 Identifying Hazards
8.3.3 Assessing Risks Arising from Hazards
8.3.4 Planning Actions to Eliminate or Reduce Risks;Reviewing Assessment
8.3.5 Documenting Risk Assessment
8.4 Risk Analysis Methods
8.4.1 Preliminary Risk Analysis
8.4.2 Hazard and Operability Studies(HAZOP)
8.4.3 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA/FMECA)
Supplementary Reading
Unit 9 Accident Investigation
9.1 Definition of Accident
9.2 Reasons of Investigating an Accident
9.3 Purpose of Investigation
9.4 Accidents That Should Be Investigated
9.5 Investigation Team
9.6 Procedures for Making Investigations
9.6.1 Interviews
9.6.2 Accident Causation Theories
9.7 Reports of Investigation
9.8 Summary
Supplementary Reading
Unit 10 Accident Analysis
10.1 Accident Analysis Vocabulary
10.2 Purpose of Accident Analysis
10.3 The Time for Conducting an Accident Analysis
10.4 The Process of Accident Analysis
10.5 Accident Analysis Techniques
10.5.1 Traditional Approaches
10.5.2 System Safety Approach
Supplementary Reading
Unit 11 Accident Prevention
11.1 The Importance of Accident Prevention
1 1.2 Preventability of Accidents
11.3 Control of Accident Causes
11.3.1 Elimination of Unsafe Conditions
11.3.2 Control of Work Habits
11.3.3 Safety Orientation of New Employees
11.4 Accident Prevention and Scientific Research
11.5 New Approaches to Accident Prevention
Supplementary Reading
Unit 12 Work Safety Education and Training
12.1 Workplace Safety Education VS.Training
12.2 The Importance of Training
12.3 Effective Safety Traininganda Model for Training
12.3.1 Effective Safety Training
12.3.2 A Model for Training
12.4 Summary
Supplementary Reading
Appendix l Reference Answers to the Exercises
Appendix II General Safety Terms
Appendix III Practices
