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Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2013

Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2013

定 价:¥125.00

作 者: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
标 签: 经济 世界经济


ISBN: 9787566306388 出版时间: 2013-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 102 字数:  


  《Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2013》对亚洲竞争力的研究是一项极具开创性的工作,博鳌亚洲论坛开展此项工作已经三年了。三年来,在中国国际经济交流中心的大力支持下,在社会各界的热忱关心和帮助下,我们不断完善和深化研究成果,力图系统地描述亚洲竞争力的基本格局,展示亚洲竞争力的整体风貌,明确影响亚洲竞争力提升的主要因素,努力为各经济体和企业不断提升竞争力提供借鉴和启示,以推动亚洲经济体和企业优势互补、加强合作。总结和回顾过去三年的研究工作,以下几个方面的特点是十分突出的。


暂缺《Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2013》作者简介


Part One Annual Report 2013-Competitiveness of Asian Economies
Chapter 1 Internal and External Environments Affecting the Competitiveness of Asian Economies
1.1 Global Economy with a Persistent Low Growth Rate.
1.2 The Asian Economy Is Significantly Slowing Down with Varied Conditions in Different Economies within the Region
1.3 Sino-Japanese Relationship and Its Influence over Asian Economy
Chapter 2 Introduction to Competitiveness Indices of Asian Economies
2.1 Purpose and Philosophy of Evaluation
2.2 Introduction to Competitiveness Indices of Asian Economies
2.3 Introduction to Competitiveness Indicators of Asian Economies
Chapter 3 Evaluation Report on Competitiveness of Asian Economies
3.1 Target Economies to Be Evaluated in 2012
3.2 Final and Sub-item Ranking in 2012
3.3 Analysis ofthe Evaluation Results ofAsian Economies Competitiveness 2012
Part Two Annual Report 2013-Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises
Chapter 4 External and Internal Environments Affecting the Competitiveness of Asian Enterprises
4.1 Asia's Worsened Investment Environment Affects Enterprises'Competitiveness
4.2 Asian Enterprises Face Worsened Consumption Environments, Mounting Stock and Capacity Excess
4.3 Trade Environment Worsens and Restrains Asian Enterprises'Exports
4.4 Asian Enterprises Expect a Better Business Environment in 2013
Chapter 5 Introduction to Competitiveness Indices of Listed Asian Enterprises
5.1 Introduction to Amendment ofCompetitiveness Indicators of Listed Asian Enterprises
5.2 Introduction to Competitiveness Indices of Listed Asian Enterprises
5.3 Introduction to Asian Listed Enterprises'Competitiveness Evaluation Indicators
5.4 Introduction to Competitiveness Evaluation Indices of Banking and Insurance Enterprises Listed in Asia
5.5 Introduction to Competitiveness Evaluation Indicators of Listed Asian Banking and Insurance Enterprises,.,
Chapter 6 Report on Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises
6.1 Selected Listed Asian Enterprises
6.2 Evaluation Result and Related Analysis of Listed Asian Enterprises
6.3 Results and Analysis ofSub-item Evaluation of Listed Asian Enterprises'Competitiveness
Chapter 7 Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises-Rankings 2012
7.1 Rankings 2012 by Comprehensive Capacity: Listed Asian Enterprises'Competitiveness (300)
7.2 Rankings 2012 by Categories: Listed Asian Enterprises'Competitiveness (4x50)
7.3 Rankings 2012 by Regions: Listed Asian Enterprises'Competitiveness (6x50)
7.4 Rankings 2012 by Industries: Listed Asian Enterprises'(Non-financial) Competitiveness (22x20)
7.5 2012 Competitiveness Rankings of Asian Listed Banking and Insurance Enterprises (2x20)
