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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术一般工业技术周期性多孔金属材料的热流性能(英文版)



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作 者: 卢天健,Feng Xu,Ting Wen 著
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 工业技术 一般工业技术


ISBN: 9787030348142 出版时间: 2013-03-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 283 字数:  




  Dr.Tian Jian Lu is a professor at the School of Aerospace,Xi’anJiaotong University,Xi’an,China.Dr.Feng Xu is a professor at theKey Laboratory of Biomedical Information Engineering of Ministry ofEducation,School of Life Science and Technology,Xi’an JiaotongUniversity.Dr.Ting Wen is now an engineer at Shell Global SolutionsInc.Dr.Lu and Dr.Xu are also affiliated with Biomedical Engineeringand Biomechanics Center,Xi’an Jiaotong University.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction and Synopsis
1.2 Cellular Solids
1.3 Periodic Cellular Solids
1.3.1 2D periodic cellular solids
1.3.2 3D periodic cellular solids
1.4 Multifunctional Applications
1.5 Aims and Outline of the Book

Chapter 2 Experimental and Numerical Methods
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Experimental Methods
2.2.1 Experimental setup
2.2.2 Experimental procedure
2.2.3 Data analysis
2.3 Numerical Method
2.3.1 Computational domain
2.3.2 Mesh generation
2.3.3 Physical boundary conditions
2.3.4 CFD solver
2.3.5 Mesh sensitivity

Chapter 3 2D Periodic Cellular Metals
3.1 Introduction and Synopsis
3.2 Characterization and Fabrication of 2D Cellular Solids..
3.2.1 What are 2D cellular solids
3.2.2 Characterizing 2D cellular solids
3.2.3 Fabrication of 2D cellular solids
3.3 Mechanical Properties of 2D Cellular Metals
3.3.1 General mechanical behaviour
3.3.2 Comparisons of 2D cellular metals with different cell shapes
3.3.3 Comparisons of 2D cellular metals with other cellular metals
3.4 Fluid-Flow Behaviour and Pressure Loss
3.4.1 Local pressure loss
3.4.2 FrictionM pressure loss
3.4.3 Overall pressure loss
3.5 Heat Transfer
3.5.1 Conjugated conduction-convection heat transfer process
3.5.2 Local temperature and heat flux distributions
3.5.3 Overall heat transfer characteristics
3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 3D Periodic Cellular Metals I. Textile
4.1 Introduction and Synopsis
4.2 Characterization and Fabrication of Woven Textiles
4.2.1 Topology of textile core
4.2.2 Porosity and surface area density
4.2.3 Fabrication
4.3 Mechanical Properties of Woven Textiles
4.4 Flow and Pressure Loss Behaviour
4.4.1 Model
4.4.2 Experimental result
4.5 Heat Transfer
4.5.1 Effective thermal conductivity
4.5.2 Convective heat transfer
4.5.3 Volumetric heat transfer coefficient
4.6 Summary

Chapter 5 3D Periodic Cellular Metals II. Lattice-Frame Materials
5.1 Introduction and Synopsis
5.2 Characterization and Fabrication of Lattice-Frame Materials(LFMs)
5.2.1 Topology
5.2.2 Manufacturing process
5.3 Mechanical Properties of the LFM
5.4 Fluid Flow Behaviour in the Lattice-Frame Material
5.4.1 Fluid-flow in the lattice-frame material
5.4.2 Flow in x-y plane
5.4.3 Flow on strut surfaces
5.4.4 Fluid-flow in the LFM
5.4.5 Surface flow patterns on the endwall plates
5.5 Pressure Loss Behaviour in the Lattice-Frame Material
5.5.1 Pressure loss per unit cell
5.5.2 Pressure loss mechanisms in the LFM
5.5.3 Effects of topological parameters on the overall pressure losses
5.6 Heat Transfer
5.6.1 Introduction
5.6.2 Thermo-fluid characterisation of the LFM
5.6.3 Local temperature distribution in forced air convection
5.6.4 Overall heat transfer behaviour
5.6.5 Effect of entry and exit regions on the overall endwall heat transfer
5.6.6 Effects of thermal conductivity on the overall heat transfer
5.6.7 Heat transfer due to flow mixing vs. convection from extended surface
5.6.8 Endwall surface heat transfer distribution
5.6.9 Details of the heat transfer on the strut surfaces (Orientation A)
5.6.10 Vortex structures in heat transfer
5.6.11 Contribution of the local flow features to the overall heat transfer
5.6.12 Effects of porosity and surface area density on the overall heat transfer
5.6.13 Optimum porosity for both the pressure loss and heat transfer in the LFM
5.7 Summary
5.7.1 Flow
5.7.2 Pressure loss
5.7.3 Heat transfer
5.7.4 The LFM as a multifunctional heat exchanger

Chapter 6 Overall Evaluation of Thermo-Fluid Performance
6.1 Introduction and Synopsis
6.2 Evaluation of Overall Pressure Loss
6.3 Evaluation of Overall Heat Transfer
6.4 Overall Thermo-Fluid Performance Evaluation
6.4.1 Thermal efficiency index
6.4.2 Comparisons of overall thermal performance
6.5 Summary

Chapter 7 Theoretical Analysis
7.1 Introduction and Synopsis
7.2 Fin Analogy Model of 2D Periodic Cellular Solids
7.2.1 Description of the problem
7.2.2 Case I——Isothermal surfaces
7.2.3 Case II——Constant heat flux surfaces
7.2.4 Optimal thermal design
7.3 Fin Analogy Model of 3D I. Woven Textile
7.3.1 Problem description
7.3.2 Governing equation of fin model
7.3.3 Overall heat transfer rate of woven textile
7.3.4 Model verification
7.3.5 Discussions
7.4 Fin Analogy Model of 3D II. Lattice-Frame Materials
7.4.1 Formulation of a governing fin equation
7.4.2 Empirical heat transfer data input
7.4.3 Model verification
7.4.4 Discussions
7.5 Analysis of 2D Periodical Cellular Metals with Developing Flow
7.5.1 Introduction
7.5.2 Problem description
7.5.3 Analysis
7.5.4 Validation of optimization analysis
7.5.5 Case studies and discussions
7.6 Summary

Chapter 8 Future
8.1 Multi-layered LFM
8.2 Optimal Design for 2D Cellular Materials
8.2.1 Optimal design of 2D cellular materials for multifunctional applications
8.2.2 Optimal design of 2D cellular materials with graded rectangular cells
8.3 Thermo-Fluid Characteristics of 2D Cellular Materials with Micro Cells
8.4 Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques to 2D Cellular Metals
8.5 Woven Screens with Hollow Struts
8.6 Effects of Flow Unsteadiness on the Heat Transfer Enhancement
8.7 Multi-block 2D Periodic Cellular Metals
8.7.1 Pressure loss
8.7.2 Heat transfer
8.7.3 Multi-block: worthwhile or not
8.7.4 Conclusions
