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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络人工智能仿生模式识别与多权值神经元



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 王守觉,刘扬阳,来疆亮 等著
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 计算机/网络 计算机理论


ISBN: 9787118080810 出版时间: 2012-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 167 字数:  


  This book is the second one after the first book named "First Step to Multi-Dimensional Space Biomimetic Informatics"(in Chinese), which are both illuminating the novel biomimetic high-dimensional space geometry computing theory, but this book is more detailed and systemic. This book consists of three parts, statistical pattern recognition, biomimetic pattern recognition and multi-weight neuron. Biomimetic Pattern Recognition and Multi-weight Neuron are proposed by academician Shoujue Wang at the start of representing digital data over hundreds of dimensionality as points, and developed for five years with many applications in many fields so far.




Part I Review of Statistics Pattern Recognition
Chapter 1 Introduction of Pattern Recognition
1.1 Pattern Recognition Concept
1.2 Pattern Recognition System Biasic Processes
1.3 A Brief Survey of Pattern Recognition Appro aches
1.4 Scope and Organization
Chapter 2 Kernel of Statistical Pattern Recognition and Pre-Precessing
2.1 Question Arise
2.1.1 Question Expression
2.1.2 Empirical Risk Minimization
2.1.3 Generalization Ability and Complexity
2.2 Kernel of Statistical Pattern Recognition
2.2.1 Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension
2.2.2 The Bounds of Generalization Ability
2.2.3 The Minimization of Structural Risk
2.3 Preprocessin9
2.4 Feature Extraction and Feature Selection
2.4.1 Curse of Dimensionality
2.4.2 Feature Extraction
2.4.3 Feature Selection
2.5 Support Vector Manchine
2.5.1 The Optimal Hyperplane Under Linearly Separable
2.5.2 The Soft Spacing Under Linearly Nonseparable
2.5.3 The Kernel Function Under Non-Linear Case
2.5.4 Support Vector Machine's Traits and Advantages
Part II Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
Chapter 3 Introduction
Chapter 4 The Foundation of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
4.1 Overview of High-Dimensional Biomimetic Informatics
4.1.1 The Proposal of the Problem of Computer Imaginal Thinking
4.1.2 The Principle of High-Dimensional Biomimetic Informatics
4.2 Basic Contents of High-Dimensional Biomimetic Informatics
4.3 Main Features of High-Dimensional giomimetic Informatics
4 4 Concepts and Mathematical Symbols In High-Dimensional Biomimetic Informatics
4.4.1 Concepts and Definitions
4.4.2 Mathematical Symbols
4.4.3 Symbolic Computing Methods in Resolving Geometry Computing Problems
4.4.4 Several Applications in Solving Complicated Geometry Computing Problems
4.5 Some Applications
4.5.1 Blurred Image Restoration
4.5.2 Uneven Lighting Image Correction
4.5.3 Removing Facial Makeup Disturbances
Chapter 5 The Theory of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
5.1 The Concept of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
5.2 The Choice of The Name
5.3 The Developments of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
5.4 Covering.The Concept of Recognition in Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
5.5 The Principle of Homology-Continuity: The Starting Point of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
5.6 Expansionary Product
5.7 Experiments
5.7.1 The Architecture of the Face Recognition System
5.7.2 Umist Face Data
5.7.3 Pre-treatment
5.7.4 The Realization of SVM Face Recognition Algorithms
5.7.5 The Realization of BPR Face Recognition Algorithms
5.7.6 Experiments Results and Analyzes
5.8 Summary
Chapter 6 Applications
6.1 Object Recognition
6 2 A Multi-Camera Human-Face Personal Identification System
6.3 A Recognition System For Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech
6.4 Summary
Part Ⅲ Multi-Weight Neurons and Networks
Chapter 7 History And Definations of Artificial Neural Networks
7.1 From Biological Neural Networks to Artificial Neural Networks and Its Development
7.2 Some Definitions and Concepts of Artificial Neural Networks
7.3 Unifications and Divergences Between Array-Processors and Neural Networks
7.4 Artificial Neural Networks' Effects on Nanoelectronical Computational Technology
Chapter 8 Geometric Concepts of Artificial Neurons
8.1 Mathematical Expressions of Common Neurons and Their Geometric Concepts
8.2 General Mathematical Model of Common Neurons and Its Geometric Concept
8.3 Direction Basis Function Neuron and Its Geometric Concept
8.4 Multi-Threshold Neurons and Networks
Chapter 9 Multi-Weight Neurons and Their Applications
9.1 General Mathematical Expression of Multi-Weight Neurons' Functions
9.2 Interchangeabilities of Points, Vectors, Hyper Planes in High-Dimensional Space
9.3 Effect of High-Dimensional Point Distribution Analysis in Information Technology
9.4 Multi-Weight Neurons are Computing Tools on High-Dimensional Point Distribution Analysis
9.5 Applications of Multi-Weight Neurons and Networks On Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
Appendix Experts' Evaluation to The Book
