Highly respected for its scholarship and straightforwardapproach, Sociology: The Core covers core sociological conceptswith a brief and accessible presentation at an affordable price. Inthe ninth edition, Sociology once again comes alive as a vital andexciting field to relate sociological principles to real-worldcircumstances. New “What Can Sociology Do For You?” sectionsintroduce the careers and provide educational recommendations forstudents that decide to pursue a degree in Sociology.这本教材自1986年问世以来,一直受到大学教师和学生的欢迎,不断再版,本书是其原版教材第九版的注释版。社会学是大学人文学科中非常重要的一门课程。书中以简洁、通俗易懂的论述,系统性地介绍了社会学的众多核心概念。本书阐释了许多社会学重要话题,如文化、社会化、群体、正式组织、社会层级、种族、性别、权力、家庭、宗教以及社会变革等等,以目前主流的社会学研究方法,全面而通俗地向读者展示了社会学的广阔领域和丰富内容。