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作 者: 郭秀花 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 医学教育改革系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040370645 出版时间: 2013-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 163 字数:  


  Medical statistics is an applied science which combines theory of statistics with medical science. It is an indispensable theoretical science to conduct scientific research and a mandatory course for all medical majors in universities. Currently, although there are many publications about medical statistics and manuals of statistical software, most of the textbooks of medical statistics emphasize on the theoretical aspects and lack of straight and thorough introduction of statistical software. Also, most of the manuals of statistical software mainly focus on the introduction of the software while lack concepts and theory of statistics. This textbook combines statistical methods with the common manipulation of SPSS software, which makes up the shortcomings mentioned above.




Chapter 1 Introduction to Medical Statistics
1.1 Definition of Medical Statistics
1.2 Variables and Types of Data
1.3 Probabilities
1.4 Populations and Samples
1.5 Errors and Residuals
1.6 Steps of Statistical Work
Chapter 2 Tables and Graphs
2.1 Tables
2.2 Graphs
Chapter 3 Descriptive Statistics of Continuous Variables
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Distribution
3.3 Measures of Location
3.4 Measures of Variation
3.5 Application of Normal Distribution
3.6 Application
Chapter 4 Descriptive Statistics of Categorical Variables
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Ratios, Frequency and Intensity
4.3Crude Death Rate and Standardization
Chapter 5 Inferential Statistics——Confidence Intervals
5.1 Introduction
5.2 t-distribution and Binomial Distribution
5.3Central Limit Theorem
5.4Confidence Intervals
Chapter 6 9Inferential Statistics t-tests
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Hypothesis Testing
6.3 One-sample t test
6.4 Two-sample t-test
6.5 Paired sample t test
6.6 F-test for Equal Variances of Two Groups of Data
6.7 Two Types of Error and Power
6.8 Application
Chapter 7 Analysis of Variance
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Basic Idea of ANOVA
7.3 One-way Analysis of Variance
7.4 Mutiple Comparisons
7.5 Randomized Block Design ANOVA 
7.6 Application
Chapter 8 Chi-square Test
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Two Independent Samples Chi-square Test
8.3 Paired Design Chi-square Test
8.4 Chi-square Test for RXC Tables
Chapter 9 Nonparametric Statistics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Wilcoxon's Matched Pairs Test
9.3 Tests of Differences Between Two Groups
9.4 Tests of Differences Between k Groups (Independent Samples)
Chapter 10 Correlations and Simple Linear Regressions
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Correlation Analysis
10.3 Application of Correlation Analysis
10.4 Simple Linear Regressions
10.5 Application
Chapter 11 Multiple Linear Regression
11.1 Introduction
11.2Concepts in Multiple Linear Regression
11.3 Principles of Multiple Linear Regression
11.4 Application
Chapter 12 Logistic Regression
12.1 Introduction
12.2Concepts of Logistic Regression
12.3 Principles of Logistic Regression
12.4 Applications
Chapter 13 Study Design, Sample Size Estimation, and Selection of Statistical Method
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Design of Observational Studies
13.3 Design of Experimental Studies
13.4 Sample Size
13.5 Selection of Statistical Methods
Appendix I Normal Distribution
Appendix II t Distribution
Appendix III F Distribution(Homogeneity Test of Variances)
Appendix IV F Distribution(Analysis of Variance)
Appendix V q Distribution
Appendix VI X2 Distribution
Appendix VII T Distribution(Paired Design Signed Rank Test)
Appendix VI T Distribution(Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Test, Smaller T Value)
Appendix IX H Distribution( Kruskal-Wallis H Test)
Appendix X r Distribution
Appendix XI rs Distribution
Appendix XII Random Digits Table
Appendix XIIIComprehensive Self-test
Appendix XIV An Introduction to SPSS and its Application of Basic Statistical Methods
