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北京大学法学研究(第4辑 英文版)

北京大学法学研究(第4辑 英文版)

定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 郭雳 编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 法律 法学文集


ISBN: 9787301224441 出版时间: 2013-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 282 字数:  


  "Diversity" might be the first impression when reading this forth volume of Peking University Journal of Legal Studies. Not only are im-portant domestic issues such as Golden Tax Project and water supply an-alyzed, but areas with regional or global significance are also explored. A variety of different economic and political development issues, inclu- ding tax policy, the rise of modern state-owned big business, judicial-ization campaign and constitutionalism, are considered. The scholarly depth of the papers is clear, and their perspectives may help to shed light on different aspects of developments in China, even if those per- spectives may not be shared by the Journal's editors. This Issue also in-cludes analysis of legal developments related to social and technical top- ics that may also have a significant impact on Chinese society even though they are narrow in scope. One such article describes a new phe-nomenon: the Real Name System ( RNS)in Chinese cyberspace,and another provides an update on Chinese family law by revisiting an in-triguing concubine case.


暂缺《北京大学法学研究(第4辑 英文版)》作者简介


China's Golden Tax Project: A Technological Strategy for Reducing VAT Fraud
Market Entry in China's Water Supply Concessions: From a Comparative Study of UN and EU
The Creation of Modern State Ownership: Legal Transplantation and the Rise of Modern State-owned Big Businesses in China
The Governance Effect of Oversea Listing on the Chinese SOEs: The Role of the State Matters
In Search of China's Marbury: Why the Judicialization Campaign Failed and How toRevive Constitutionalism in China
The Autocratic Governorship,Functional Constituencies and the Continuity of Paternalismin Colonial Hong Kong
Real Name Systems in Chinese Cyberspace: Authentication, Privacy and State Capacity
Beyond the Liberal Understanding of the Chinese Family Law: the Concubine Case Revisited
Economic Integration in East Asia: The Path of Law
Peking University Law Journal
