Part I Surface Roughness and Hierarchical Friction Mechanisms
1 Introduction
1.1 Surfaces and Surface Free Energy
1.2 Mesoscale
1.3 Hierarchy
1.4 Dissipation
1.5 Tribology
1.6 Biomimetics: From Engineering to Biology and Back
2 Rough Surface Topography
2.1 Rough Surface Characterization
2.2 Statistical Analysis of Random Surface Roughness
2.3 Fractal Surface Roughness
2.4 Contact of Rough Solid Surfaces
2.5 Surface Modification
2.5.1 Surface Texturing
2.5.2 Layer Deposition
2.6 Summary
3 Mechanisms of Dry Friction, Their Scaling and Linear Properties
3.1 Approaches to the Multiscale Nature of Friction
3.2 Mechanisms of Dry Friction
3.2.1 Adhesive Friction
3.2.2 Deformation of Asperities
3.2.5 Ratchet and Cobblestone Mechanisms
3.2.6 "Third Body" Mechanism
3.3 Friction as a Linear Phenomenon
3.3.1 Friction, Controlled by Real Area of Contact
3.3.2 Friction Controlled by Average Surface Slope
3.3.3 Other Explanations of the Linearity of Friction
3.3.4 Linearity and the "Small Parameter"
4 Friction as a Nonlinear Hierarchical Phenomenon
4.1 Nonlinear Effects in Dry Friction
4.1.1 Nonlinearity of the Amontons-Coulomb Rule
4.1.2 Dynamic Instabilities Associated with the Nonlinearity
4.1.3 Velocity-Dependence and Dynamic Friction
4.1.4 Interdependence of the Load-, Size-, and Velocity-Dependence of the Coefficient of Friction
4.1.6 Self-Organized Criticality
4.3 Heterogeneity, Hierarchy and Energy Dissipation
4.3.1 Ideal vs. Real Contact Situations
4.3.2 Measure oflnhomogeneity and Dissipation at Various
4.3.3 Order-Parameter and Mesoscopic Functional
4.3.4 Kinetics of the Atomic-Scale Friction
4.4 Mapping of Friction at Various Hierarchy Levels
Part II Solid-Liquid Friction and Superhydrophobicity
Part III Biological and Biomimetic Surfaces