1.局部坐标系中的旋量球函数及算子(The Spinor Waye FunctiOnS and OperatorS in the Local Coordinate System),侯伯宇(Hou Bai.yu),物理尝捉(Acta Physica Sinica)19(1963)
2.Green函数及8函数的三方向球函数展开式(Three DireCtional Expansion of Green Functions&6 Function),侯伯宇(Hou Pei.yu),物理学报(Acta Physica Sinica)20(1964)
3.Orthonormal Bases and Infinitesimal Operators of the Iri'educible RepresentationS of Group Un侯伯宇(Hou Pei.yu),Scientia Sinica 6(1 966)
5.不可易规范场的规范不变守恒流(Gauge―Invariant ConserVed CuKcnt of a N0n―abelian Gauge Field),侯伯宇(Hou Bo―yu)物理学报(Acta Physica Sinica)26(1977)
6.各级微扰展开下自发破缺的规范无关性、幺正性及可重整性(Gauge Independence,Unitarity and Renormalizability of a Spontaneously Broken Modelin the Perturbation Theory),侯伯宇(Hou Bo.yu)笏理学报(Acta Physica Sinica)26(1977)
7.The Decomposition and Reduction of Gauge Field and Dual Charged S01ution of Abelianizable Field.