Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition
1.1.1 Food and Food Science
1.1.2 Food Chemistry
1.1.3 Relationship between Food Chemistry and Other Disciplines
1.2 Content and Development of Food Chemistry
1.3 Approach to the Study of Food Chemistry
1.3. 1 Quality and Safety Attributes
1.3.2 Chemical and Biochemical Reactions
1.3.3 Effect of Reactions on the Quality and Safety of Food
1.3.4 Solve Problems by Analyzing and Controlling the Important Variables
Chapter 2 Water
1. 1 Introduction
2.2 Physical Properties and Structure of Water
2.2.1 Physical Properties
2.2.2 Structure of the Water Molecule
2.2.3 Water Intermolecular Interaction
2.2.4 Architecture of Water
2.3 Quantitative Description of Water in Foods
2.3.1 Water Content
2.3.2 Water Activity
2.3.3 Molecular Mobility
2.4 Water Activity and Food Properties
2.4.1 Freezing
2.4.2 Combined Methods Approach to Food Stability
Chapter 3 Carbohydrate
3. 1 Introduction
3. 1.1 Definition
3.1.2 Classification
3.1.3 Function and Distribution
3.2 Physical and Chemical Properties
3.2.1 Physical Properties
3.2.2 Chemical Properties
3.3 Common Sugars
3.3.1 Monosaccharides
3.3.2 Oligosaccharides
3.3.3 Polysaccharide
3.3.4 Starch
3.3.5 Cellulose
3.3.6 Pectin
Chapter 4 Protein
4.1 Introduction
4. 1.1 Definition
4.1.2 Classification
4.2 Composition
4. 2.1 Structure
4.2.2 Amino Acids
4. 3 Properties
4.3.1 Denaturation
4.3.2 Gelation
4.3.3 Emulsifying Properties
4.3.4 Foaming Properties
4.4 Food Proteins
4.4. 1 Animal Proteins
4. 4.2 Plant Proteins
4.5 Peptides
4. 5.1 Properties
4.5.2 Bioactive Peptides in Food
Chapter 5 Lipids
Chapter 6 Vitamins
Chapter 7 Enzymes
Chapter 8 Colorants
Chapter 9 Flavors
Chapter 10 Food Additive