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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术农业科学林业中国林业年鉴(2006-2010 英文)

中国林业年鉴(2006-2010 英文)

中国林业年鉴(2006-2010 英文)

定 价:¥280.00

作 者: 国家林业局 编
出版社: 中国林业出版社
标 签: 林业 农业/林业


ISBN: 9787503866722 出版时间: 2013-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 351 字数:  


暂缺《中国林业年鉴(2006-2010 英文)》简介


暂缺《中国林业年鉴(2006-2010 英文)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Summary of Chinese Forestry Sector  1.1 Reform and development of forestry sector  1 2 An overview of forestry development in China Chapter 2 Key Forestry Programs  2.1 Natural Forest Protection Program  2.2 Farmland Conversion to Forest Program  2.3 Fast-growing and High-yield Forest Program for key regions  2.4 Beining-Tianiin Sandstorm Source Control Program  2.5 Three-North Shelterbelt Establishment Program Chapter 3 Forest Cultivation and Ecological Improvement  3.1 Forest seed and seedling production  3.2 Forest parks and forest tourism  3.30iltea camellia industry  3.4 Sand prevention and control  3.5 Afforestation and greening Chapter 4 Forest Resource Protection and Forest Adm'nistration & Governance  4.1 Nature reserve construction  4.2 Wildlife conservation and management  4.3 Wild plant conservation and management  4.4 Endangered wild fauna and flora import-export management and CITES compliance   4.5 Wetland protection  4.6 Forest fire prevention  4.7 Forest public security  4.8 Forest resources management  ……
