Chapter 1 Conversation Basics 打开话匣子
01.Greetings and responses问候与回答
02 Start a conversation with a stranger让陌生人开口
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Chapter 2 Communication Techniques沟通技巧
01 When you are not sure about the meaning of
02.To make sure other people can understand what you
03.To show others you understand what they say表示理解对方的意思
04.To change the topic of your talk politely礼貌地改变话题
05。How to interrupt others怎样插入他人谈话
06.How to give an end to a conversation结束谈话
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Chapter 3 Stating Your Opinions说出自己的想法
01.To agree with others表示同意或赞成别人
02.To disagree with others表示不同意
03.To express your opinion directly_EA7当地陈述个人观点
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