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定 价:¥48.00

作 者: (美)芒托 编著
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
丛编项: 新东方大愚英语学习丛书
标 签: 其它英语考试 外语学习


ISBN: 9787560545158 出版时间: 2013-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 282 字数:  


  本书由新东方从美国麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司独家引进,是备考SAT II文学的权威辅导教材。本书不仅全面涵盖了SATII文学的考点,而且提供9套全真模拟试题供考生自测。此外,书中对所有题目都附有详细解析,便于考生认识自身的优势与不足,科学备考。


暂缺《SAT II文学》作者简介


PART I. INTRODUCTION TO THE SAT LITERATURE TEST   All About the SAT Literature Test   About the Literature Test   When to Take the Test   Scoring   Test-Taking Strategies for the Literature Test   Test-Taking Strategies for the Literature Test   Diagnostic Test: Literature   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   PART II. TOPIC REVIEW FOR THE LITERATURE TEST   Chapter 1 Literary Terms   Alliteration ? Allusion ? Argument ? Blank Verse ? Character ? Dialect ?  Dialogue ? End StoppingEnjambment ? Figurative Language ? Free  Verse ? Hyperbole ? Iambic Pentameter ? Imagery ? Inference ? Main Idea ? Metaphor ? Meter ? Mood ? Narrator ? Paraphrase ? Personification ?  Plot ? Point of ViewPerspective ? Rhyme—Exact Rhyme and Slant Rhyme ? Rhythm ? Setting ? Simile ? Sonnet ? Speaker ? Summary ? Symbolism ? Theme ? Tone Chapter 2 Fiction   The Novel and the Novella ? Structure of the Novel ? History of the Novel’s Development ? The Short Story ? Structure of the Short Story ? History of the Short Story’s Development Chapter 3 Nonfiction   The Autobiography ? The Essay ? The Speech Chapter 4 Poetry   Poetic Structure ? Types of Poems ? Literary Elements in Poetry ? History of Poetry’s Development Chapter 5 Drama   Structural Elements of Drama ? History of the Drama’s Development PART III. EIGHT FULL-LENGTH PRACTICE TESTS   Practice Test 1   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 2   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 3   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 4   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 5   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 6   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 7   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Practice Test 8   Answer Key   Answers and Explanations   How to Calculate Your Score   Literary Resources    
