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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络计算机科学理论与基础知识基元设计模式(英文版)



定 价:¥75.00

作 者: (美)Jason McC. Smith 著
出版社: 电子工业出版社
丛编项: Jolt大奖精选丛书
标 签: 计算机理论、基础知识 计算机与互联网


ISBN: 9787121211911 出版时间: 2013-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 364 字数:  




  Jason McC. Smith,2005 年毕业于北卡罗莱纳州立大学教堂山分校,获计算机科学博士学位。该校也是基元设计模式的诞生地,基元设计模式当时是模式查询和识别系统(System for Pattern Query and Recognition,SPQR)项目的组成部分。Smith 博士因其在校的研究项目而荣获两项美国国家专利,一项与SPQR所采用的技术相关,另一项则来自FaceTop 分布式文档协作系统。此前,Smith 博士在物理仿真工程和咨询界工作过多年,取得了华盛顿州立大学的物理学和数学学士学位。值得一提的项目包括声纳和海洋环境仿真、电子工程仿真、商用和军用飞机飞行仿真,以及实时图形训练系统等。在 IBM 沃森研究中心工作的四年,使Smith 博士有机会将从SPQR 和EDP 目录中获得的经验加以组织,并应用到大量的软件实体中去,包括遗留系统和现代系统。Smith 博士现在供职于华盛顿州柯克兰市的The Software Revolution 公司,任资深研究科学家。在那里,他持续地优化EDP 目录,并寻找各种方法来推进公司在自动控制现代化以及遗留系统改造方面的业务目标。


1 Introduction to Design Patterns
1.1 Tribal Musings
1.2 Art or Science?
1.2.1 Viewing Patterns as Rote
1.2.2 Language-Dependent Views
1.2.3 From Myth to Science
2 Elemental Design Patterns
2.1 Background
2.2 The Where, the Why, the How
2.2.1 Decomposition of Decorator
2.2.2 Down the Rabbit Hole
2.2.3 Context
2.2.4 The Design Space
2.3 Core EDPs
2.4 Conclusion
3 Pattern Instance Notation
3.1 Basics
3.2 The PINbox
3.2.1 Collapsed PINbox
3.2.2 Standard PINbox
3.2.3 Expanded PINbox
3.2.4 Stacked PINboxes and Multiplicity
3.2.5 Peeling and Coalescing
3.3 Conclusion
4 Working with EDPs
4.1 Composition of Patterns
4.1.1 Isotopes
4.2 Recreating Decorator
4.3 Refactoring
4.4 The Big Picture
4.5 Why You May Want to Read the Appendix
4.6 Advanced Topics
4.6.1 Focused Documentation and Training
4.6.2 Metrics
4.6.3 Procedural Analysis
4.7 Conclusion
5 EDP Catalog
Create Object
Abstract Interface
Revert Method
Extend Method
Delegated Conglomeration
Redirected Recursion
Trusted Delegation
Trusted Redirection
Deputized Delegation
Deputized Redirection
6 Intermediate Pattern Compositions
Fulfill Method
Retrieve New
Contents ix
Retrieve Shared
Object Recursion
7 Gang of Four Pattern Compositions
7.1 Creational Patterns
7.1.1 Abstract Factory
7.1.2 Factory Method
7.2 Structural Patterns
7.2.1 Decorator
7.2.2 Proxy
7.3 Behavioral Patterns
7.3.1 Chain of Responsibility
7.3.2 Template Method
7.4 Conclusion
A ρ-Calculus
A.1 Reliance Operators
A.2 Transitivity and Isotopes
A.3 Similarity
A.4 EDP Formalisms
A.5 Composition and Reduction Rules
A.6 Pattern Instance Notation and Roles
A.7 EDP Definitions
A.7.1 Create Object
A.7.2 Retrieve
A.7.3 Inheritance
A.7.4 Abstract Interface
A.7.5 Delegation
A.7.6 Redirection
A.7.7 Conglomeration
A.7.8 Recursion
A.7.9 Revert Method
A.7.10 Extend Method
A.7.11 Delegated Conglomeration
A.7.12 Redirected Recursion
A.7.13 Trusted Delegation
A.7.14 Trusted Redirection
A.7.15 Deputized Delegation
A.7.16 Deputized Redirection
x Contents
A.8 Intermediate Pattern Definitions
A.8.1 Fulfill Method
A.8.2 Retrieve New
A.8.3 Retrieve Shared
A.8.4 Objectifier
A.8.5 Object Recursion
A.9 Gang of Four Pattern Definitions
A.9.1 Abstract Factory
A.9.2 Factory Method
A.9.3 Decorator
A.9.4 Proxy
A.9.5 Chain of Responsibility
A.9.6 Template Method
2.1 Decorator's usual example UML
2.2 Objectifier as UML
2.3 Object Recursion as UML
2.4 A simple method call as UML
2.5 The parts of a method call
2.6 A simple design space
2.7 A simple design space with EDPs
2.8 Our first four EDPs
2.9 The design space extended to three dimensions
2.10 The design space with method similarity fixed to similar
2.11 Recursion Example UML
2.12 Deputized Redirection example UML
3.1 UML collaboration diagram
3.2 Strategy as pattern:role tags in UML
3.3 Huge UML of a not-so-huge system
3.4 Multiple instances of Strategy as pattern:role tags in UML
3.5 Collapsed PIN
