Pointers and Memory
Why You Should Become Proficient with Pointers
Declaring Pointers
HOW to Read a Declaration
Address of operator
Displaying Pointer Values
Dereferencing a Pointer Using the Indirection Operator
Pointers to Functions
The Concept ofNull
Pointer Size and Types
Memory Models
Predefined PointerRelated Types
Pointer operators
Pointer Arithmetic
Comparing Pointers
Common Uses of Pointers
Multiple Levels of Indirection
Constants and Pointers
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Memory Leaks
Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions
Using the malloc Function
Using the calloc Function
3.Pointers and Functions
4.Pointers and Arrays
5.Pointers and Strings
6.Pointers and Structures
7.Sechrity Lssues and the lmproper Use of pointers
8.Odds and Ends