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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化世界各国文化英汉对比视角下的跨文化交际研究



定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 黄慧敏 著
出版社: 湖南师范大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564814991 出版时间: 2014-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 273 字数:  


  The book is intended for graduate students and other learners who show a great interest in language, culture and intercultural communication. It covers ten chapters alto-gether and involves: 1) an elaboration of how three new motivations and China's rise on the world stage speed intercultural communication today; 2) an interpretation of how cul-ture and communicat'ion are related to each other, and what are their respective characteristics and modals, and what are intercultural communication and their forms; 3) a compari-son between Chinese and American cultures from three per-spectives of different cultural patterns, value dimensions and the deep structure of culture; 4) a description of language characteristics, function, and its relationship with culture,and an explanation of translation as a culture and language transference and as an equivalence-seeking in different cultures or languages; 5) a discussion of thetoric functions as thinking modes to reflect cultures and as an effective means to convey the intention or thought of speakers in intercultural communication; 6) a case analysis of intercultural communication in education and medical treatment between Xiang and Ya for more than a hundred years; 7) a presentation of some examples selected from graduates to discuss and comment on the Chinese Movie Guasha in the perspective of intercultural communication as an ending of the book.




Chapter 1 Great Changes in Intercultural Communication
1.1 The Importance of Intercultural Communication
1.2 Five Stages in the Progress of Human Communication
1.3 Three New Motivations of Intercultural Communication
1.3.I New Technology and Information Systems
1.3.2 New Explosion of the World's Population
1.3.3 New Economic Arena
1.4 China's Rise on the World Stage
Chapter 2 Settings of Contacts and Human Relationship
2.1 Important Settings of International Contacts
2.1.1 Education Environment
2.1.2 Business Environment
2.1.3 Media Environment
2.2 Personal and Public Relationship
2.2.I Friendship and Colleagues' Relationship
2.2.2 Immigration and Mixed Marriage
Chapter 3 Communication and Culture
3.1 Communication
3.1.1 Definitions of Communication
3.1.2 The Complexity of Communication
3.1.3 Components of Communication
3.1.4 Characteristics of Communication
3.1.5 Modals of Communication
3.2 Culture
3.2.1 Definitions of Culture
3.2.2 Characteristics of Culture
3.2.3 Functions of Culture
3.3 Relationship Between Communication and Culture
Chapter 4 Intercultural Commumcation
4.1 Definitions of Intercultural Communication
4.2 Elements of Intercultural Communication
4.3 Forms of Intercultural Communication
4.4 Domains of Intercultural Communication
4.5 A Main Disparity of Thinking Modes Between Eastern and Western in Intercultural Communication
Chapter 5 Cultural Pattems and Value Dimensions
5.1 Culture and Perception
5.1.1 Culture's Influence on Perception
5.1.2 Beliefs and Values
5.1.3 One of Primary Differences Between Chinese and American Values:Face & Freedom
5.2 Dominant Cultural Patterns in Intercultural Communication
5.2.I Dominant American Cultural Patterns
5.2.2 Dominant Chinese Cultural Patterns
5.3 Diverse Value Dimensions
5.3.1 Hofstede's Value Dimensions
5.3.2 The Kluckhohns and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations
5.4 Hall's High-context and Low-context Communication
Chapter 6 The Deep Structure of Culture
6.1 World View
6.1.I Religion- One's Spiritual View as a World View
6.1.2 Five Big Religions in the World and a Comparison Among them
6.2 History
6.2.I American History's Influence on the American Character
6.2.2 Chinese History's Influence on the Chinese Character
Chapter 7 Verbal Communication
Chapter 8 Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 9 Attitudes Essential to Intercultural Communication: A Sample Analysis
Chapter 10 nthe Movie Guasha-A Cultural Clash Between Chinese and American Values: Discussion and Comments
