1 搭飞机旅行:在机场At the Airport
2 在飞机上On an Airplane
3 入境/转机Arrival & Transit
4 兑换外币Money Exchange
5 搭计程车Taking a Taxi
6 搭乘火车或地铁Travel by Train
7 租车Renting a Car
8 问路Finding the Way
9 加油站At the Gas Station
10 旅馆登记入住At the Hotel: Checking in
11 旅馆客房服务At the Hotel Room
12 在餐馆In the Restaurant
13 快餐店Fast Food
14 购物:一般用语Shopping Information
15 购物:服饰鞋包配件Shopping for Clothes, Bags and Shoes
16 购物:首饰及手表Shopping for Jewelry and Watches
17 购物:化妆保养品Shopping for Cosmetics
18 购物:逛超市Shopping in the Supermarket
19 杀价与付款Prices and Discounts
20 拍照 & 买相机Taking Pictures and Buying Cameras
21 在邮局At the Post Offi ce
22 打电话Making Telephone Calls
23 在医院或药房At the Hospital