第一部分 VOA 慢速英语 VOA Special English.................001
第一章 政要新闻
VOA 1 全球政要与领袖深刻缅怀曼德拉
Remembering Nelson Mandela Around the World .............002
VOA 2 继续关注医疗保健网站
Focus on Health Care Website ............................................007
VOA 3 美国政府结束停摆并提高债务限额
Deal Reopens Government, Extends Debt Limit ................011
VOA 4 “好奇号”登陆火星一周年
Mars Rover Marks First Year on Red Planet .......................016
VOA 5 伊朗核协议将带来新关切
Iran Nuclear Pact Sets New Dynamics in Motion ...............020
听力点睛 怎样听记VOA中的数字 ..............................................025
第二章 经济热点
VOA 1 奥巴马政府提出的联邦预算
Obama Administration Proposes Federal Budget ...............026
VOA 2 世界银行关于全球经济做出预测
World Bank Makes Predictions for Global Economy .........031
VOA 3 投资者担心美国债务上限危机
Investors Concerned About US Debt Ceiling Crisis ...........036
VOA 4 欧盟达成1.3万亿美元预算
EU Agrees to 1.3 Trillion Budget ........................................040
VOA 5 亚洲腐败拖累经济增长
Corruption in Asia Slows Economic Growth ......................044
听力点睛 怎样处理新闻中的专有名词.......................................048
第三章 科技时尚
VOA 1 智能手机告诉你饮水是否安全
Safe Water? Ask the Smartphone ........................................049
VOA 2 你的电脑正在网络犯罪吗?
Is Your Computer Committing Cybercrimes? .....................053
VOA 3 家庭无线网络可以监控老人是否跌倒
Home Wireless Network Detects Elderly Tumbles .............057
VOA 4 官方证实航海家1号已在外太空
Voyager 1 Is Officially out There ........................................061
听力点睛 了解缩略词...................................................................065
第四章 教育看点
VOA 1 美国帮助促进海地的教育制度
US Help to Boost Haiti’s Education System .......................067
VOA 2 利比里亚大学招生标准提高
Admission Standards Toughened at University of Liberia ..071
VOA 3 字母不再用来表示成绩了
“C” Isn’t Average in All Schools Any More ...................075
VOA 4 多哥学者拯救语言遗产
Togolese Academics Fight for Linguistic Heritage .............079
VOA 5 网上课程可能会彻底改变大学
Online Classes Might Revolutionize Colleges ....................083
听力点睛 怎样理解新闻中的代词...............................................087
第五章 农林絮语
VOA 1 粮食价格上涨的担忧可能缓解
Worries About Rising Food Prices May Ease .....................088
VOA 2 水灌溉带来疟疾
Irrigation Brings Malaria Along with Water .......................092
VOA 3 植物杀菌剂或会伤害蜜蜂
Plant Fungicide Might Harm Honeybees ............................096
VOA 4 公共媒体帮助农场主避免食物浪费
Social Media Helps Farmers Avoid Food Waste .................100
VOA 5 种植红辣椒
Growing Chili Peppers ........................................................104
听力点睛 重视新闻导语的核心作用...........................................108
第六章 能源环境
VOA 1 密西西比河水位下降威胁航运
The Mississippi River Level Drop Threats the Navigation
Industry ................................................................................109
VOA 2 为食物保护水
Securing Water for Food .....................................................113
VOA 3 热浪期的协同作用导致城市酷热
Heat Waves Make Cities Swelter Synergistically ...............117
VOA 4 东帝汶的海洋生态保护区
Conservation in Timor-Leste ...............................................121
VOA 5 中美气候合作
U.S.-China Climate Partnership ..........................................125
听力点睛 扩大词汇量...................................................................130
第七章 医药健康
VOA 1 喝太多汽水的孩子更容易有攻击性
Children Who Drink Lots of Soft Drinks More Likely to Be
Aggressive ...........................................................................131
VOA 2 世界无烟日世界卫生组织呼吁禁止烟草广告
WHO: Urge Ban on Tobacco Advertising, Promotion,
Sponsorship .........................................................................135
VOA 3 双语可能减缓多种痴呆的发作
Bilingualism May Delay Different Kinds of Dementia ......139
VOA 4 防止HIV传染给婴儿
Prevent HIV Transmission to Infants ..................................143
VOA 5 研究表明流感疫苗能预防心脏病
Study: Flu Vaccine Could Prevent Heart Attack .................147
听力点睛 注意处理精听与泛听的关系.......................................151
第八章 体育娱乐
VOA 1 波兰组合演奏“Four-by-Four”
Polish Ensemble Conducts "Four-by-Four" Orchestra ........152
VOA 2 未来主义电影《极乐空间》针砭时弊
Futuristic Movie “Elysium” Underscores Today’s Ills ...156
VOA 3 感恩节
Thanksgiving .......................................................................160
VOA 4 为头部健康减少青少年橄榄球训练撞击
Limit Youth Football Practice Hits for Brain Health...........164
VOA 5 秋季之歌
Songs about autumn ............................................................168
听力点睛 合理安排各种节目的收听顺序...................................172
第二部分 VOA 标准英语 VOA Standard English............173
第一章 政要新闻
VOA 1 关注联邦政府关闭可能性
Focus on Potential Federal Shutdown .................................174
VOA 2 促进非洲可持续发展
Promoting Sustainable Growth in Africa ............................179
VOA 3 马里的安全局势不容乐观
Mali Security Situation Remains Fragile ............................183
VOA 4 中东的和平进程
Middle East Peace Process ..................................................187
VOA 5 数以万计的南非人民深切悼念曼德拉
South Africa Prepares for Enormous Crowds at Mandela
Memorial .............................................................................191
听力点睛 听力训练应培养的能力...............................................195
第二章 经济热点
VOA 1 IMF:亚太新兴经济体增长前景减弱
IMF Says Growth Prospects Weaken in Emerging Asia-Pacific
Economies ...........................................................................196
VOA 2 美国强势的就业率增长将失业率削减至5年来最低
Strong US Job Growth Cuts Unemployment to 5-Year Low
VOA 3 美债危机临头全球市场忧心
US Debt Crisis Worries World Markets ..............................204
VOA 4 资源整合对亚洲的繁荣至关重要
Integration Crucial To Central Asian Prosperity .................208
VOA 5 欧盟各国就1.3万亿的预算达成共识
EU Agrees to 1.3 Trillion Budgets ......................................213
听力点睛 听力速度的培养...........................................................217
第三章 科技时尚
VOA 1 耀星突然发狂
Flare Star Goes Wild in Minutes .........................................218
VOA 2 南非变废为沼气
South Africa Uses Biogas to Turn Waste into Power ..........222
VOA 3 物种灭绝不再是永恒的
Extinction May Not Be Forever ..........................................226
VOA 4 鲸鱼用交织的弯须摄取食物
Whale Baleen Bends and Weaves to Snag Food .................230
听力点睛 注意单词的发音现象...................................................234
第四章 教育看点
VOA 1 文化意象影响第二语言使用
Cultural Images Affect Second Language Usage ................235
VOA 2 三岁的孩子懂得很多
Three-year-olds Know Better ..............................................239
VOA 3 正念可改善考试成绩
Mindfulness May Improve Test Scores ...............................243
VOA 4 社交网络旨在加快科学进程
A Social Network Aims to Speed Up Progress in Science ..247
VOA 5 美国法学院更注重实践经验
Law Schools in the United States Focus more on Practical
Work ....................................................................................251
听力点睛 应试英语听力三步骤...................................................254
第五章 农林絮语
VOA 1 美国农业部的国外农业服务正在与饥饿战斗
USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service Fighting Hunger ......255
VOA 2 美国农业部同意变更肉类标签设计
USDA Agreed to Change the Design of Meat Labels .........259
VOA 3 采摘下来的农作物化合物有助于保持峰谷值
Picked Produce Compounds Keep Up Ebb and Peak .........263
VOA 4 美国农业生产方式的改变
The Changing Landscape of U.S. Farm Production ............267
VOA 5 严格进行杂草控制
Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control .................................271
听力点睛 提高听、说能力...........................................................275
第六章 能源环境
VOA 1 气候变化与台风海燕
Climate Change Linked to Typhoon Haiyan .......................276
VOA 2 海底垃圾:塑料包装袋
Plastic Bags Litter Seafloor .................................................280
VOA 3 企鹅物种可能成为气候“赢家”
Penguin Species Could Be Climate Winner ........................284
VOA 4 天然气推广及环保条例的出台重伤美国煤炭产业
Natural Gas, Environmental Regulations Hurt US Coal
Regions ................................................................................288
VOA 5 气候正逐渐变糟
Climate Change Getting Worse by the Minute ....................292
听力点睛 影响听力的因素...........................................................296
第七章 医药健康
VOA 1 脑力锻炼对任何年龄都有好处
Brain Exercise Benefits at any Age .....................................297
VOA 2 有益肠道菌落能置有害菌于死地
Good Gut Bacteria May Keep Bad at Bay ..........................301
VOA 3 叶酸能预防儿童自闭症吗?
Can Folic Acid Prevent Childhood Autism? .......................305
VOA 4 早餐对节食者最重要
Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal for Dieters ..............309
VOA 5 联合用药能治愈部分丙肝患者
Combining Drugs Cures Some with Hepatitis C.................313
听力点睛 注意起连接作用的词...................................................317
第八章 体育娱乐
VOA 1 拯救生命的足球精神
Spirit of Soccer Saves Lives ................................................318
VOA 2 反兴奋剂机构采取更严格的规则
Anti-Doping Authorities Adopt Stricter Rules ....................322
VOA 3 “了不起的盖茨比”
“The Great Gatsby”.........................................................326
VOA 4 汽车影院在美国仍然吸引大批观众
Drive-in Movies in US Still Draw Crowds .........................330
VOA 5 孩子们观看感恩节游行花车
Children Ogle at Floats for Thanksgiving Day Parade .......333
听力点睛 提高英语听力的6个方法.............................................338
第三部分 VOA英语新闻常用词汇1500............................341