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第七届炸药和爆破国际会议论文集(中日韩 全英文)

第七届炸药和爆破国际会议论文集(中日韩 全英文)

定 价:¥220.00

作 者: 汪旭光 编
出版社: 冶金工业出版社
标 签: 外语 英文版 英语读物


ISBN: 9787502464516 出版时间: 2013-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 313 字数:  


  The International Conference on Explosives and Blasting (ICEB) is a symposiumfor scientific and technical update on all aspects of explosives and blasting amongChina, Japan and Korea. From 2006 to 2011, The ICEB has been convened annu-ally for six times, alternatively in China, Japan and Korea, serving the blastingcommunity from the three countries with an excellent combination of scientific ad-vances and practical applications. In order to improve the quality of papers andfurther promote the development of the conference, the organizing committee de-cided to hold the ICEB once every two years since 2011.The 7th ICEB is organized by China Society of Engineering Blasting. The top-ics covered in this edition are wide-ranging fromrockmasscharacterizationandfragmentation, blast design and implementation, demolition blasting, underwaterblasting, special blasting, blastinstrumentation, blastingmonitoring,tosafetyandenvironment.This symposium has attracted wide attention and support from these three coun-tries. The number of papers received this time is 43, far more than that of anyprevious ICEBs. After the rigorous review of abstracts and papers, 33 papers ( 18from China, 5 from Japan and 10 from Korea) are accepted for publication and 28papers are recommended to be presented at this symposium. Papers to be presen-ted are mainly on four aspects, blast design & modeling, blast instrumentation,demolition blasting and blast monitoring, safety & environment.We would like to express our hearty thanks to the members of the China-Japan-Korea Technical Committee of Explosives and Blasting for their help and coopera-tion, and to the members of the national organizing committee for their critical re-view of all the submissions. We ~annot hold the event successfully without thegenerous financial support and the active cooperation of Zhuhai Society of Engi-neering Blasting, and the hard work of Metallurgical Industry Press. We sincerelywish the 7th ICEB a big success!


暂缺《第七届炸药和爆破国际会议论文集(中日韩 全英文)》作者简介


Session 1 Blast Design &; Modeling
Session 2 Blast Instrumentation
Session 3 Demolition Blasting
Session 4 Blast Monitoring, Safety &; Environment
