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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件与程序设计程序设计综合C标准库(英文版)



定 价:¥79.00

作 者: (美)P.J.,Plauger 著
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
标 签: C C++ C# VC VC++ 程序设计 计算机/网络


ISBN: 9787115344229 出版时间: 2014-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 498 字数:  


  《C标准库(英文版)》是由世界级C语言专家编写的C标准库经典著作,影响了几代程序员。《C标准库(英文版)》集中讨论了C标准库,全面介绍了ANSI/ISO C语言标准的所有库函数。书中通过引用ISO C标准的相关部分,详细讲解了每一个库函数的使用方法,并通过示例描述了其实现细节,且给出了实现和测试这些函数的完整代码。此外,每章结尾附有不同难度的习题,帮助读者巩固和提高。通过此书,读者将会更好地使用C标准库,并学会如何设计和实现库。《C标准库(英文版)》结构清晰,内容权威,阐述精辟,对于各层次C程序员和相关专业高校师生而言都是一本优秀的参考书。


  P. J. Plauger是最早使用C编程语言的一批用户,他主持了X3J11库函数小组委员会(由ANSI授权)来制定C标准。他随后作为X3J11的秘书和 WG14(由ISO授权的委员会)的召集人,对C标准进行了加强。Plauger博士与Brian Kernighan合作了很多备受好评的图书,其中包括SOFTWARE TOOLS、SOFTWARE TOOLS IN PASCAL和THE ELEMENT OF PROGRMMING STYLE。他还与Jim Brodie(X3J11的主席)合著了STANDARD C,该书是C编程语言的完全指南。


Chapter 0: Introduction 1
Background 1
What the C Standard Says 3
Using the Library 7
Implementing the Library 9
Testing he Library 13
References 15
Exercises 15
Chapter 1:  17
Background 17
What the C Standard Says 18
Using 18
Implementing 20
Testing 22
References 22
Exercises 24
Chapter 2:  25
Background 25
What the C Standard Says 28
Using 30
Implementìng 34
Testing 42
References 43
Exercises 43
Chapter 3:  47
Background 47
What the C Stcndard Says 50
Usìng 50
Implementing 51
Testìng 55
References 55
Exercises 55
Chapter 4:  57
Background 57
What the C Standard Says 59
Using 62
Implementing 64
Testing 69
References 71
Exercises 72
Chapter 5:  73
Background 73
What the C Standard Says 74
Using 75
Implementing 77
Testing 79
References 80
Exercises 80
Chapter 6:  81
Background 81
What the C Standard Says 84
Using 87
Implementing 94
Testing 123
References 123
Exercises 123
Chapter 7:  127
Background 127
What the C Standard Says 130
Using 135
Implementing 137
Testing 171
References 177
Exercises 177
Chapter 8:  181
Background 181
What the C Standard Says 184
Using 185
Implementing 187
Testing 191
References 192
Exercises 192
Chapter9:  193
Background 193
What the C Standard Says 195
Using 197
Implementing 199
Testing 203
References 203
Exercises 203
Chapter 10:  205
Background 205
What the C Standard Says 207
Using 208
Implementing 210
Testing 212
References 212
Exerclses 212
Chapter 11:  215
Background 215
What the C Standard Says 217
Using 217
Implementing 222
Testing 223
References 223
Exercises 223
Chapter 12:  225
Background 225
What the C Standard Says 233
Using 252
Implementing 274
Testing 325
References 327
Exercises 329
Chapter 13:  333
Background 333
What the C Standard Says 334
Using 344
Imple 1enting 353
Testing 381
References 381
Exercises 384
Chapter 14:  387
Background 387
What the C Standard Says 388
Using 394
Implementing 398
Testing 411
References 411
Exercises 411
Chapter 15:  415
Background 415
What the C Standard Says 416
Using 420
Implementlng 425
Testing 442
References 443
Exercises 443
Appendix A: Inferfaces 445
Appendix B: Names 453
Appendix C: Terms 463
Index 475
