向中国学生推荐这套丛书Unit 1 The Sentry 空中烧烤Unit 2 Flame Speed 致命“火速”Unit 3 The Return ofthe Bald Eagle 秃鹰回归Unit 4 The Debt to the Times of Queen Elizabeth 蒸汽机与计算机Unit 5 Monopropellant or Explosive 推进?爆炸?Unit 6 A Hidden Danger 隐患Unit 7 The FatheroftheModemAutomobile 现代汽车之父Unit 8 The Beginning ofa World Industry 燃料工业发展史Unit 9 PLUTO 一举两得Unit 10 Artificial Diamonds 从石墨到钻石Unit 11 Renewable or Not 新新能源Unit 12 The Electricity Mystery 我的乔迁之喜Unit 13 Facing up to Cancer 笑对绝症Unit 14 Foreign Trade 外贸史话Unit 15 The PDS System-A Triumph of Chinese Technology 中国净化了天然气Unit 16 The Invention of Plumbing 管道业:城市英雄