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定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 李会 著
出版社: 华中师范大学出版社
丛编项: 汉代前的中国玻璃工艺/美术文化研究丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787562264651 出版时间: 2014-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 385 字数:  






1.1 The History of Glass
1.2 The Study of Glass Outside China
1.3 The Research Background of Early Glass Studies in China
1.4 Previous Studies on Chinese Glass
1.5 The Goals of This Research
Chapter 2 The Distribution of Early Glass Eye Beads Outside China
2.1 Glass Eye Beads in Egypt
2.2 Glass Eye Beads in Greece
2.3 Glass Eye Beads in West Asia
2.4 Glass Eye Beads in Iran
2.5 Glass Eye Beads on the Eurasian Steppe
2.6 Glass Eye Beads in India
Chapter 3 Early Eye Beads in China
3.1 Glass Eye Beads in China
3.2 Glass Eye Tubes in China
3.3 Discoveries of Faience Eye Tubes and Beads in China
Chapter 4 Other Characteristic Glass Artifacts of China
4.1 Glass Bi (璧) Disc (Table3:13, Map 4-01)
4.2 GlassHuan (环) (Table3:14, Map4-02)
4.3 Glass Furniture for Sword
4.4 Other Glass Products (Table 3:14)
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Comparison of Early Chinese and Non-Chinese Glass
5.1 Typological Comparison
5.2 Comparison of Chemical Compositions
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter 6 The Development of Productive Techniques and Uses of Glass in China
6.1 The Historical Background of Glass in Early China
6.2 Contacts Between Chinese and Non-Chinese Cultures as Reflected by the Occurrence of Glass
6.3 The Development of Glass in China
6.4 Uses of Glass Products
Chapter 7 Glass-making in China
7.1 Manufacturing Techniques for Glass Eye Beads
7.2 Manufacturing Techniques for Other Glass Artifacts
7.3 The Origin of the Art of Glass-Making in China
Chapter 8 Glass Finds and Chu Culture
8.1 Chu History
8.2 Chu Culture
8.3 Chu Business
8.4 Glass Development and Chu Culture
8.5 The Disappearance of Glass Artifacts
Chapter 9 Conclusion
