定 价:¥59.00
作 者: | 黄全信,黄迎 编;李迎春 译 |
出版社: | 华语教学出版社 |
丛编项: | 中华五福吉祥图典 |
标 签: | 民间艺术 艺术与摄影 |
ISBN: | 9787513809269 | 出版时间: | 2015-05-01 | 包装: | 平装 |
开本: | 16开 | 页数: | 256 | 字数: |
1 / 人臻五福 花满三春
May People Enjoy a Life Full of Blessings
and May Flowers Bloom Throughout the Spring
8 / 一团和气
Harmony and kindness
12 / 九重春色
Long lasting beauty of spring
14 / 子孙万代
Thousands of generations of offsprings
18 / 万代常春
Youth and vitality for all generations of people
20 / 万事大吉
Completeness in everything
22 / 万事如意
Heart’s content in all things
24 / 马上平安
Safety and peace on horseback
26 / 天中集瑞
Good fortune gathered
28 / 天从人愿
May heaven follow the will of man
30 / 天仙送子
Newborn babies sent by the fairies
32 / 双喜同心
Devoted newlyweds
34 / 双喜临门
Double happiness visits
38 / 双狮戏球
A pair of lions plays with a ball
40 / 玉镜合璧
Faithful and devoted husband and wife
42 / 正午牡丹
The prime of prosperity
44 / 龙凤呈祥
Happy marriage
48 / 龙生九子
The nine sons of the dragon
50 / 平安如意
Peace and satisfaction
52 / 兄弟同乐
Brothers in harmony
54 / 四 喜 图
Picture of the four happinesses
56 / 四子同乐
Four children in harmony
58 / 四喜同乐
Four children playing
60 / 四子花瓶
Flower vases with four children
200 / 哈哈二仙
The two gods of harmony
202 / 鸳鸯合气
Harmony between husband and wife
204 / 鸳鸯贵子
Loving couples and their darling children
206 / 鸾凤和鸣
Happy married life
208 / 彩凤祥云
Radiant phoenix and lucky clouds
210 / 喜上加喜
Happiness upon happiness
212 / 喜上眉梢
214 / 喜从天降
Happiness descends from heaven
216 / 喜在眼前
Happiness before one’s eyes
220 / 喜报春光
Announcing the arrival of spring
222 / 喜结良缘
A happy marriage
224 / 喜鹊登梅
Magpies on plum trees
226 / 新韶如意
Content in the new spring
228 / 福增贵子
More good fortune and children
230 / 榴开百子
A sliced pomegranate full of seeds
238 / 鹤庆吉祥
Happiness and good fortune
240 / 聪明伶俐
Bright and talented children
242 / 麟趾呈祥
May the children be wise and capable
244 / 麟凤呈祥
A peaceful and stable society