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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济贸易经济国际商务谈判(第二版)



定 价:¥43.00

作 者: 窦然 编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
丛编项: 卓越·21世纪国际经济与贸易专业教材新系
标 签: 教材 经济管理类 研究生/本科/专科教材


ISBN: 9787309111071 出版时间: 2015-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 373 字数:  


《国际商务谈判(英文第2版) 》依旧由12章组成,涉及国际商务谈判的各个环节和 相关知识,如谈判的准备与开局、磋商策略、僵局化 解、签约须知、语言技巧、心理素质、不同国家和地 区谈判者的谈判风格和相关礼仪,等等。本次修订中 对第一版各章节的多处文字表述、数据和部分段落结 构做了重新调整。例如,将原先书中按中国人习惯的 表达,换成西方人的惯用说法;某些案例中的数据按 实际汇率重新做了核实;有些略显冗长的小标题和句 子,在不改变原意的前提下,改写成更加精练的文字 和表述;书中涉及一些谈判的策略和技巧,也按逻辑 关系、使用频率等予以重新调整和增删。
  本书适合中国高校相关专业的学生、进修生、来 华留学生以及从事涉外商务工作的相关人士。




Chapter 1 An Overview of International Business Negotiation
1.1 Definition and Characteristics of International Business Negotiation
1.2 Forms of International Business Negotiation
1.3 Basic Forms of Intemational Business Negotiation
Chapter 2 Game Principles
2.1 Equal and Voluntary Participation
2.2 Credibility First
2.3 Reciprocity and Mutual Benefits
2.4 Maximizing Commonalities and Minimizing Differences
2.5 Speak on Good Grounds
2.6 Separate the People from the Problem
Chapter 3 Preparations
3.1 Collecting Information
3.2 Forming the Negotiation Team
3.3 Planning for International Business Negotiation
3.4 Physical Preparations
3.5 Simulated Negotiations
Chapter 4 Negotiation Opening
4.1 Creating an Appropriate Atmosphere
4.2 Opening Steps
4.3 Opening Strategies
Chapter 5 Bargaining Process
5.1 Making a Quotation
5.2 Bargaining
5.3 Making Compromise
Chapter 6 Negotiation Strategies and Tactics
6.1 An Overview of Negotiation Strategies
6.2 Developing Your Strategies
6.3 Strategic Considerations
6.4 Common Gambits and Tactics
6.5 Useful Negotiation Strategies
6.6 What Tactics Will You Use?
Chapter 7 Ways of Breaking Impasse
7.l Why Does Impasse Arise?
7.2 Conquer the Fear of Impasse
7.3 Avoid Provocation
7.4 Don't Make Things Worse
7.5 Other Means of Dispute Handling
Chapter 8 Language Skills
8.1 Skills of Asking and Answering
8.2 Language Skills of Statement and Refutation
8.3 Skills of Body Languages
Chapter 9 The Formation of Contracts
9.1 Identification and Means of Negotiation Closing
9.2 Conclusion and Guarantee of a Contract
9.3 Modification, Termination and Assignment of Contracts
9.4 Settlement of Disputes after Contract Signing
9.5 Authentication and Notarization of a Contract
Chapter 10 Psychological Qualities of the Negotiator
10.1 Psychological Qualities of the Effective Negotiator
10.2 Understanding Non-verbal Communication and Lies
10.3 Creativity and Problem-solving in Negotiation
Chapter 11 Etiquette
11.1 Negotiators as Hosts
11.2 Negotiators as Guests
11.3 We All Have to Follow!
11.4 Etiquette and Taboos in Different Cultures
Chapter 12 International Business Negotiation Styles
12.1 Negotiation Styles in American Countries
12.2 The European Negotiation Styles
12.3 The Asian Negotiation Styles
12.4 The Middle-East Area Negotiation Styles
12.5 The African Negotiation Styles
