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作 者: 杨恒波 著
出版社: 云南大学出版社有限责任公司
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787548221074 出版时间: 2013-04-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Unit One  An Introduction to the Chinese Culture
1.1 A brief introduction to Chinese history and civilization
1.2 The richness of Chinese culture
1.3 Two important doctrines of Chinese culture
I. 4 Chinese language and Chinese patterns of thought
1.5 Cultural awareness in a diversified and changing world

Unit Two  Intercultural Communication
2. 1 The global village
2. 2 The concept of intercultural communication
2. 3 The main factors of facilitating intercultural communication
2.4 The origin and development of intercultural communication
2. 5 The popularity of intercultural communication in China
2o 6 The awareness cultivation of intercultural communication

Unit Three  Culture
3. 1 Culture
3.2 The characteristics of culture
3.3 Functions of culture
3.4 Language
3.5 Language and culture

Unit Four  Communication
4. 1 Communication
4. 2 The major ingredients of communication
4. 3 The characteristics of communication
4. d Culture and communication

Unit Five  Cultural Dimensions
5. 1 The major elements of cultural differences
5.2 The different value orientations
5.3 Cultural value dimensions
5.4 The Confusion dynamism dimension
5.5 Chinese concept of collectivism
5.6 American culture

Unit Six  Culture Shock and Misunderstanding
6. 1 Culture shock and culture misunderstanding
6. 2 The major symptoms of culture shock
6. 3 Experiencing culture shock
6.4 Fighting against culture shock
6. 5 Some barriers to culture shock
6. 6 Cultural differences in discourse

Unit Seven  Nonverbal Communication
7. 1 Introduction to nonverbal communication
7.2 Definition of nonverbal communication
Unit Eight Culture and Education
Unit Nine Interpersonal Relationship
