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中国图书馆学报年刊(2013 英文版)

中国图书馆学报年刊(2013 英文版)

定 价:¥60.00

作 者: 《中国图书馆学报》编辑部 编
出版社: 国家图书馆出版社
标 签: 社会科学 图书馆学 图书馆学/档案学


ISBN: 9787501352531 出版时间: 2013-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 235 字数:  




暂缺《中国图书馆学报年刊(2013 英文版)》作者简介


Special Papers: Interpretation of the Standards of the Fifth Assessment and Rating of Public Libraries
New start, new vision & new missions: An interpretation of the standards of the fifth assessment and rating of public libraries for adults in China
LI Dan, SHEN Xiaojuan, WANG Xiuxiang & HAN Chao
An interpretation of the standards of the fifth assessment and rating of public libraries for children in China
HU Jie, WANG Dongbo, ZHI Juan & LI Bin
Special Topic: Study on Public Library Service System in Middle and Western Areas of China
An empirical study on integrated platform for public library services in rural China: Based on Pingqiao Model in Xinyang, Henan province
WANG Hongxin, TONG Yawei, ZHOU Yunyan, CHEN Hulling & LONG Wen
On the chain system and grassroots sites of libraries service system construction of public libraries in the western region of China: The example of the service system design of public libraries in Baoji
XIONG Wei, SUO Xinquan, CHEN Bihong, DUAN Xiaohu & LI Qing
Research Papers
Public libraries in provincial 12th Five-year Plans of China
YU Biyang & XU Jianhua
A survey on the situation of resources sharing in Chinese mainland libraries
GAO Bo & HUANG Jiejing
Needs analysis of open access knowledge of university students in China
CHAO Ya'nan, BI Qiang & TENG Guangqing
Value of social capital in bridging accidental digital divide among rural resident: A field report on Jinghai county of Tianjin
Wang Ming & Yah Hui
The information revolution in Illinois: A community informatics perspective Kate Will&ms
Empirical research on user satisfaction model of the content quality of database information resources
MO Zuying & MA Feicheng
Design and implementation of a linked data-oriented framework for resource description and organization in semantic digital libraries
OU Shiyan
Intelligence attention model based on object behavior
ZOU Yimin, ZHANG Zhixiong & LIU Jianhua
The historical significance of the China county librarian forum
LI Chaoping
Discussion Papers
A pioneer in oral history collection and preservation: the US Bancroft Library
WANG Zizhou & YIN Peili
The digital shift: How eBooks and e-Content are changing readers and libraries
Molly Raphael
A chronicle of events of Chinese library community in 2012
