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定 价:¥65.00

作 者: 满珂 著
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787516150405 出版时间: 2014-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 326 字数:  






Chapter 1 The Concept of Anthropology and the Early Development of It
What's Anthropology?
Founders of Anthropology
The Main Contributions of Edward Tylor
Lewis Henry Morgan:the Evolution of Society
Franz Boas:Cultures not Culture
Emile Durkheim:the Relationship between Individual and Society
Further readings:
1. The Science of Culture
2. What Is a Social Fact? Eile Durkheim( 1858 -1917)
3. The Methods of Ethnology Franz Boas (1858 -1942)

Chapter 2 The Individual and Culture
Alfred Kroeber: Configurations of Culture
Ruth Benedict :Patterns of Culture
Margaret Mead:The Personality and Culture
Edward Sapir: Culture, Language and the Individual
Bronislaw Malinowski:The Functions of Culture
Further readings:
1. Psychological Types in the Cultures of the Southwest Ruth Fulton Benedict( 1887- 1948)
2. Introduction to Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies Margaret Mead ( 1901 - 1978)
3. The Essentials of the Kula Bronislaw Malinowski ( 1884 - 1942 )

Chapter 3 The Nature of Society
Marcel Mauss : Social Exchange
A. R. Radcliffe-Brown:The Structure of Society
Edward Evans-Pritchard : Social Anthropology, Social History
Further readings:
1. Excerpts from The Gift Marcel Mauss(lg72 -1950)
2. The Mother's Brother in South Africaa A. R.Radcliffe-Brown( 1881 - 1955 )

Chapter 4 Cultural Ecology, Materialism and Neoevolutionary Theories
Leslie White:Evolution Reemergent and Cuhurology
Julian Steward:Cultural Ecology and Muhilinear Evolution
Marvin Harris : Cultural Materialism
Further reading:
1. The Cultural Ecology of India's Sacred Cattle Marvin Harris( 1927 - 2001 )

Chapter 5 Structures, Symbols and Meaning
Claude L6vi-Strauss : Structuralism
Victor Turner : Symbols and Pilgrims
Clifford Geertz:An Interpretive Anthropology
Mary Douglas : Pollution and Purity
Further reading:
1. Deep Play:Notes on the Balinese Cockfight Clifford Geertz ( 1926 - 2006 )

Chapter 6 Structures,Practices and Agency
Sherry Ortner: Symbols, Gender, Practice
Pierre Bourdieu : Practice and Habitus : an Anthropology of Practice
Further reading :
1. Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture? Sherry B. Ortner(1941—— )

Chapter 7 Research Methods in Anthropology
Different Levels of Methods
Preparing for Research
The Literature Search
Participant Observation
Brief Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Chapter 8 Ethnic Group and Ethnicity
The Concepts and Theories of Ethnicity
Ethnicity, Religion, and Language
Ethnicity in the Modern World
