Carrying Forward the Truth.Goodness and Beauty.Belittling 弘扬真善美,贬斥假恶丑(序)
the False,Evil and Ugly(Preface)Fan Peng 范鹏
There is a Boundless world to be Explored in the Marvellous 石中有大千(序——)
Stones(Preface 2)Su Lishe 苏立社
AWisp ofBreezeBlowtheFace(Preface 3)WuXiaojuan 一缕清风拂面来(序三) 吴晓娟
Author's Preface 自序
Chapter 1 The Emperors Generals and Ministers 第一章帝王将相
HorseLeapovertheTanxiRiver 马跃檀溪
KangXi Emperor 康熙大帝
Penetrating Insight 火眼金睛
GenghisKhan oftheYuanDynasty 一代天骄
MaoZedong 伟人石
Liu Shaoqi 一代伟人
SunZhongshan 孙中山
(Zhouyi}Experience the Three Saints 易历三圣
Jiang Taigong Fishing 姜太公钓鱼
Emperor Zhou and DaJi ofthe Shaug Dynasty 纣王与妲己
Chapter 2 Gifted Schol~s and Beautiful Ladies 第二章才子佳人
TheWomanWashingGauze 浣纱女子
TwoRoyalWomen 金色年华
ZhaoJun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride 昭君出塞
The Four Beauties 四大美女
TheDrunkenBeauty 贵妃醉酒
Romantic Person ofBygone Years. 千古风流
The Love Dream ofShenyuan 沈园情梦
MiFu Salute Stones 米芾拜石
Drinking Alone with the Moon 月下独酌
DaiYu Buries Fallen Flowers 黛玉葬花
Chapter3 The Collections ofChineseAncient Civilization 第三章国学荟萃
Magnanimous Buddha 大肚弥勒佛
Bodhidharma 菩提达摩
MadMonk 济公出道
Three God ofTaoism 道教三神
A Buddhist Sit in Meditation 坐佛
JianZhen Dharma Master 鉴真法师
HuiKe Dharma Master 慧可禅师
Shakyamuni 释迦牟尼
HuiNeng Dharma Maste 惠能大师
XianGu Donate Towards Fish 仙姑送鱼
Chapter4 The Chinese Characters 第四章华夏文字
The Word OfChinese Characters‘GUOJUN’ 国君
The Word OfChinese Characters‘SHI XING TIAN’ 石行天
The Word ofChinese Characters‘SHI’ 石字
The Word ofChinese Characters‘BAYl’ 八一
The Word of Chinese Characters‘NV’ 女字
The Word of Chinese Characters‘ZHONG WEN’ 中文
The Word of Chinese Characters‘ZHONG GUO’ 中国
The Word ofChinese Characters‘WANG’ 王字
The Word of Chinese Characters‘LANXIANG’ 兰香
BuhI 布尔
Chapter5 Person Search 第五章人物检索
Bao Zheng 包拯
Tang Seng 唐僧
Thomas Alva Edison 爱迪生
TheWestforBuddhist Sutra 西天取经
The Ancient Characters 古代人物
The Characters ofA Dream in Red Mansions 红楼梦人物
Princess HuanZhu 还珠格格
QuYuan 屈原
GuanYu 关羽
LinZexu 林则徐
Chapter6 Emotional Theater 第六章情感剧场
AllegiantDog 义犬
God’SDog 天狗
Blind Person Showgirl 盲歌女
The Pic~e ofDouble Crane 双鹤图
Love Forever 千年之恋