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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术机械、仪表工业机械制造技术基础(英汉双语对照)



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 任小中,任乃飞,王红军 著
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材
标 签: 大学教材 大中专教材教辅


ISBN: 9787111468905 出版时间: 2014-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 420 字数:  






Preface 前言
Introduction 绪论1
0.1Manufacturing industry and its position in national economy 制造业及其在国民经济中的地位2
0.2Development of machine manufacturing technology 机械制造技术的发展4
0.3The research objects and the purpose of the book 本书的研究对象和目的6
0.4Requirements for learners 学习要求8

Chapter 1Principles of Metal Cutting 金属切削原理11
1.1Introduction 概述12
1.2Basic knowledge of metal cutting 金属切削的基本知识
121.2.1Cutting motions and machining variables 切削运动与切削用量12   
1.2.2Geometry of cutting tools 刀具的几何形状14   
1.2.3Undeformed chip dimensions 切削层参数22   
1.2.4Cutting tool materials 刀具材料22
1.3Basic theory of the metal cutting process 金属切削过程的基本理论28   
1.3.1Deformation in the metal cutting process 金属切削过程中的变形28   
1.3.2Cutting forces and cutting power 切削力与切削功率32   
1.3.3Cutting heat and cutting temperature 切削热与切削温度38   
1.3.4Tool wear and tool life 刀具磨损与刀具寿命40
1.4Applications of basic theory in the cutting process 金属切削基本规律的应用46   
1.4.1Control of chips 切屑的控制48   
1.4.2Machinability 切削加工性50   
1.4.3Cutting fluids 切削液52   
1.4.4Proper choice of tool geometric parameters 刀具几何参数的合理选择56
1.4.5Proper choice of cutting variables 切削用量的合理选择62

Chapter 2Machine Tools and Cutting Tools 机床与刀具71
2.1Introduction 概述72   
2.1.1Classification and model of machine tools 机床的分类及型号72
2.1.2Methods of surface generating and kinematic analysis of machine tools 表面的形成方法与机床
2.2Lathes and lathe cutters 车床与车刀80   
2.2.1Basic contents of turning 车削的基本内容80   
2.2.2Constructional features of a center lathe (CA6140) CA6140卧式车床的结构特征82   
2.2.3Lathe cutters 车刀108
2.3Grinding wheels and grinding machines 砂轮与磨床110   
2.3.1Introduction 概述110   
2.3.2Grinding wheels 砂轮110   
2.3.3Grinding machines 磨床114
2.4Gear cutting machines and cutting tools 齿轮加工机床及其刀具118   
2.4.1Gear cutting methods 齿轮加工方法118   
2.4.2Gear cutting machines 齿轮加工机床120   
2.4.3Gear cutting tools 齿轮刀具130
2.5Other machine tools and cutting tools 其他类型的机床与刀具132   
2.5.1Hole making machine tools and cutting tools 孔加工机床与刀具132   
2.5.2Milling machines and milling cutters 铣床与铣刀142
