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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 李为 编
出版社: 教育科学出版社
丛编项: 应用型本科规划教材
标 签: 教材 经济管理类 研究生/本科/专科教材


ISBN: 9787504185716 出版时间: 2014-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 291 字数:  






Chapter 1 The Layout and Structure of Business Letters
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 3 Inquiries
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 4 Quotations and Offers
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 5 Counter-offers
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 6 Orders and Acknowledgement
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 7 Payment
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section IlL Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 8 Letter or Credit
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 9 Packing and Shipment
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section IlL Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 10 Insurance
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 11 Complaints and Claims
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
Chapter 12 Agent
Section I. Warming-up Questions
Section II. Basic Knowledge
Section III. Scene Simulation
Section IV. Specimen Letter
Section V. Useful Words & Expressions
Section VI. Exercises & Case Study
