本书在全球文化环境变迁背景下,根据中国经济快速崛起后急需加强社会文化建设的重大需求,吸收西方文化软实力学说有益成分而去其文化渗透和文化霸权的弊端,以首席专家所在文艺学、艺术学和民俗学为主要领域,开展多学科交叉合作,取得综合研究成果,全面系统地阐释国家文化软实力的概念、内涵和结构,探讨国家文化软实力要解决的关键问题,将政府管理文化与民俗文化统一部署建设;建立我国文化软实力建设的指标体系、国家代表性文化符号,提出国家文化软实力发展战略的重点建设领域与行动方案。This book is the research result of a comprehensive study on national cultural soft power in the changing global cultural environment. Leading professors in Study of Literature and Art, Art Theory, and Folkloristics focus on interdisciplinary research to meet the great demand for constructing social culture to match the fast economic development. They try to take the benefits of soft power theory in the west and get rid of its discriminations such as cultural permeation and cultural hegemony. The concept, connotation and structure of national cultural soft power are systematically explained to explore the key issues. It intends to combine the government management with folk culture management to set up a measurement system, single out representative national cultural symbols and design an implementation plan to carry out the national culture soft power development.