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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化中国文化中国曲艺(英文版)



定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 格拉特-梅内特,罗宾逊,朱天曙 著
出版社: 中国画报出版社
丛编项: 中华文明探微书系
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787514610062 出版时间: 2014-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 148 字数:  






Chapter Ⅰ
Folk Performing Art's Place in Chinese Culture
Section ⅠFolk Performing Art Genius
Section Ⅱ The Popularization of Entertainment
Section Ⅲ Representatives of the Common People
Chapter Ⅱ
Artistic Traditions in Chinese Folk Performing Art
Section Ⅰ Xia Li Ba Ren
Section Ⅱ Comedy and Humor
Section Ⅲ Seize the Moment
Chapter Ⅲ
Performance Techniques
Section Ⅰ The Art of Expression
Section Ⅱ Entry and Exit
Section Ⅲ Performance and Appreciation
Chapter Ⅳ
The Art of Storytelling
Section Ⅰ The Origin of the Storytelling
Section Ⅱ The Spirit, Form and Language of Storytelling
Section Ⅲ Improving Storytelling: Liu Jingting (1587—1670)
Section Ⅳ Continuing the Storytelling Tradition
Chapter Ⅴ
Tanci and Guqu
Section Ⅰ The Artistic Charm of Tanci
Section Ⅱ Continuing the Art of Tanci
Section Ⅲ The Artistic Charm of Guqu
Section Ⅳ Continuing the Art of Guqu
Chapter Ⅵ
Cross Talk
Section Ⅰ Performance Skills
Section Ⅱ Cross Talk's Performance Characteristics
Section Ⅲ The Great Master of Cross Talk: Hou Baolin
Section Ⅳ Continuing the Tradition of Cross Talk
Author's Note
A Brief Chronology of Chinese History
