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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化世界各国文化西方文化读本(第二版)



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 南宫梅芳,訾缨,白雪莲 著
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 高等学校本科英语教改新教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787301254851 出版时间: 2015-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 224 字数:  




  总主编:史宝辉, 北京林业大学外语学院院长、教授。主编:南宫梅芳、訾缨、白雪莲,北京林业大学外语学院教授,开设西方文化课程多年。


目 录

Unit 1 Ancient Greek Culture and Wisdom…1
Section A Greek Mythology…1
Section B City-States: Athens and Sparta…8
Section C Socrates …14
Unit 2 Roman Empire and Latin Culture…24
Section A History of Roman Empire…24
Section B All Roads Lead to Rome…30
Section C Cleopatra, the Egyptian Queen and Her Love Affairs…36
Unit 3 The Bible and Its History…46
Section A History of the Bible…46
Section B The Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus…53
Section C Genesis…58
Unit 4 The Middle Ages and the Rise of Modern Europe…69
Section A The Middle Ages…69
Section B The Rise of the States…77
Section C The Rise of Universities in the Middle Ages…83
Unit 5 Renaissance and Church Reformation…95
Section A Renaissance…95
Section B The Reformation…102
Section C Henry VIII and His Six Wives…109
Unit 6 Enlightenment and the Origin of Modern Science…120
Section A The Age of Enlightenment…120
Section B On the Shoulders of Giants: Isaac Newton and Modern Science…127
Section C Francis Bacon: Fame and Disgrace…132
Unit 7 Romanticism and Realism…143
Section A Romanticism in Europe…143
Section B Romanticism in America…151
Section C Realism in Europe…157
Unit 8 Modernism and Contemporary Western Culture…172
Section A Modernism and Modernist Movement…172
Section B The Distinct Character of Contemporary American Culture …180
Section C How Contemporary American Society Tramples on Principles
of Integrity…187
