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作 者: 刘葆,王超,康国强 编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
丛编项: 石油科技英语系列教程
标 签: 工业技术 石油/天然气工业


ISBN: 9787518307524 出版时间: 2015-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 270 字数:  






Chapter 1 Oil Trading Basics
1.1 Oil Trading
1.2 Trading Characteristics of Oil
1.3 The Demand and Supply of Oil
1.4 Structure of the Oil Market
Chapter 2 Oil Pricing Arrangements
2.1 Types of Pricing Mechanism
2.2 Fixed Prices
2.3 Floating Prices
2.4 Sources of Price Information
Chapter 3 Crude Oil and Product Markets
3.1 Introduction of Crude Oil Markets
3.2 North Sea Crude Market
3.3 US Crude Markets
3.4 Product Markets
Chapter 4 Natural Gas Markets
4.1 Natural Gas Energy Pricing
4.2 The Emergence of Natural Gas Markets
4.3 Features of Natural Gas Pricing in the United States
4.4 Natural Gas Price Volatility and Risks
Chapter 5 Risk Management Instruments
5.1 Long Dated Oil Markets
5.2 Futures and Forward Contracts of Oil
5.3 Forward Paper Markets of Oil
5.4 Oil Futures Exchanges
Chapter 6 Oil Trading Administration
6.1 Credit Control of Oil Trading
6.2 Oil Trading Taxation
6.3 Oil Trading Contracts
6.4 Legal and Regulatory Issues
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises
