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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术石油、天然气工业化学驱提高石油采收率技术:理论与实践(英文版)



定 价:¥75.00

作 者: 朱友益,侯庆锋 编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787518306862 出版时间: 2015-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 291 字数:  


  《化学驱提高石油采收率技术(理论与实践 英文版)》涉及化学驱提高石油采收率技术领域。内容包括:化学驱提高石油采收率技术发展现状与趋势,驱油用表面活性剂、聚合物的分子设计与合成,化学驱油体系配方研制与评价,化学驱油体系在岩心多孔介质中的驱油机理研究,化学驱技术现场试验与应用。《化学驱提高石油采收率技术(理论与实践 英文版)》可供国内外从事三次采油化学驱提高石油采收率技术的技术人员和高校老师及研究生参考阅读。




Chapter Ⅰ Progress and Present Status of Chemical EOR Technology
Recent Developments and Remaining Challenges of Chemical Flooding EOR Techniques in China
Current Development and Application of Chemical Combination Flooding Technique
The Progress in the Alkali-Free Surfactant-Polymer Combination Flooding Technique
Chapter Ⅱ Development of Oil Displacement Agents and Formulations
Synthesis of Alkylbenzene Sulfonate Surfactant for Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding
Studies on ASP Formulation Based on Alkylbenzene Sulfonate Surfactants
Synthesis and Properties of Petroleum Sulfonates for Weak Alkali ASP/Alkali-free SP Combination Flooding
Study of Alkyl Polypropoxy Sulfate Surfactants for SP/SSP Flooding
Synthesis and Interracial Activity of Alkyl Polyoxypropylene Sulfonate for Chemical Combination Flooding
Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Novel Alcohol Ether Carboxylate Surfactants
for Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding
Molecule Design Methods for Oil Displacement Surfactants with Ultralow Oil/Water Interracial Tension
Progress in Development of Surfactants for Chemical Combination Flooding
Development and Performance of Water Soluble Salt-resistant Polymers for Chemical Flooding
Chemical Methods to Improve the Foam Stability for Foam Flooding
Chapter Ⅲ Fluid Behavior, Recovery Mechanism and Oil Displacement Effect in Porous Medium
Studies on Oil Displacement Mechanism of Chemical Flooding with Low Concentration of Surfactant
Effect of Main Factors on Oil Recovery of Surfactant-Polymer Flooding
Effects of Crude Oil Components on the Performances of Surfactants in Reducing Oil-Water Interfacial Tension
Comparative Study of Extensional Viscoelasticity Properties of Liquid Films and Stability of Bulk Foams
Effect of Oil on the Stability of Polymer Enhanced Foams
Blocking Ability and Flow Characteristics of Nitrogen Foam Stabilized with Clay Particles in Porous Media
Chapter Ⅳ Field Tests and Applications of Chemical Flooding EOR Technology
Recent Progress and Effects Analysis of ASP Flooding Field Tests
Recent Progress and Effects Analysis of Surfactant-Polymer Flooding Field Tests in China
Recent Progress and Effects Analysis of Foam Flooding Field Tests in China
Enhanced Oil Recovery by Chemical Flooding from the Biostromal Carbonate Reservoir
Chemical Combination Flooding in the Conglomerate Reservoir
Feasibility Studies on Nitrogen Foam Flooding for Conglomerate Reservoirs
Feasibility Studies on Foam Flooding for Daqing Reservoirs after Polymer Flooding
Development of a New High Effective Flotation Device Used for Water Treatment
