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中国自然保护区 西双版纳(英文版)

中国自然保护区 西双版纳(英文版)

定 价:¥160.00

作 者: 云南省生态经济学会,西双版纳自然保护区管理局,云南省林业调查规划院 编
出版社: 中国林业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787503810169 出版时间: 2016-02-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 125 字数:  


  With its evergreen mountains and breath-taking scenery, Xishuangbanna, located in the south of China's Yunnan Province, is often referred to as the Kingdom of Plants or A Green Gem in the Imperial Botanical Crown. The region is blessed with marvellous virgin forests, tropical rain forests, abundant flora and fauna as well as ancient and charming minority cultures. This wonderland enjoys an international fame for its rich, brilliant and diverse scenic beauty, attracting scholars and tourists from both at home and abroad.Xishuangbanna lies south of the Tropic of Cancer, and is traversed by the Lancang River water system. Owing to its topography, Xishuangbanna has both maritime and continental climatic features, and is extremely rich in both thermal and hydrological resources. The advantageous natural conditions have given the area a great variety of forest vegetation, plants and wildlife.Here ancient tropical plants which have been bypassed by the evolutionary process may be seen flourishing. Plants of different geological ages and species blend to form wonderful plant communities peculiar to Xishuangbanna.


暂缺《中国自然保护区 西双版纳(英文版)》作者简介


An Oasis on the Tropic of Cancer
Unique Topography
The Lancang River System
Congenial Climate and Environment
Harmonious Co-existence of AAan and Nature
Wonderful Tropical Forests
Diverse Forest Types
Marvellous View of the Rain Forest
A Treasure-house of Green Plants
A Sanctuary for Rare Pfants
Rich AAedicinal Planfs
Year-round Wild Flowers and Wild Fruits
An Eden of Wildlife
AAammals' Paradise
Paradise for Birds
Amphibious Reptiles and Fish
A Flourishing Insect World
The Landscapes of Mountainy Villages
The Precious Cultural Heritage
The Local Peoples' Cusfoms
Keep This Gem Glittering Forever
