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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术环境科学、安全科学安全科学安全知识教育(英文版)



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 范永同(Yongtong Fan) 著
出版社: 西南交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564339425 出版时间: 2015-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 174 字数:  


  《安全知识教育(英文版)》内容包括Chapter 1 Knowledge of Laws and Regulations;Chapter 2 National Public Safety;Chapter 3 Sports Safety;Chapter 4 Personal Safety;Chapter 5 Property Security;Chapter 6 Network Security;Chapter 7 Disease Prevention;Chapter 8 Fire Safety;Chapter 9 Emergency Plan Formulation;References。


  Yongtong Fan(1964-),He was born in Bi Shan County,Chongqing and got his Master degree in Political Science and Law,Southwest University.He is the secretary of Party Committee of Chongqing Chemical Industry Vocational College and a researcher of Anticorruption Research Center of Chongqing.With abound practical experience and profound theoretical knowledge,he is engaged in the work of inspection and supewision and the study of Construction of the Party conduct and of an honest and clean government for a long time.He took charge of a principal project of the Ministry of Education,a principal project of Chongqing Municipal publicity Department,a key project of Chongqing municipal educational programs and several subjects of Chongqing Municipal Educational CommissionHe published more than ten relevant papers and was invited to submit study report on situation of anticorruption for Central Discipline Inspection Commission,the Ministry of Education,Chongqing Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission,and Chongqing Superior People's Procuratorate


Chapter 1 Knowledge of Laws and Regulations
Chapter 2 National Public Safety
Chapter 3 Sports Safety
Chapter 4 Personal Safety
Chapter 5 Property Security
Chapter 6 Network Security
Chapter 7 Disease Prevention
Chapter 8 Fire Safety
Chapter 9 Emergency Plan Formulation
