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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语海事基础英语综合教程1



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 吴雪红 主编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
标 签: 其他综合教程 外语 英语综合教程


ISBN: 9787566308566 出版时间: 2013-10-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Unit1 Sea GodsMyths and Legends
Text A Mazu
Text B Legends of Sirens
Text C The Flying Dutchman
Unit 2 Maritime Literature
Text A The Old Man and the Sea
TeXt B The First Days on a Desert Island
TeXt C Strolling the Plains
Unit 3 Maritime Customs
TextA Common Superstitions at Sea
TeXt B Bananas and Bad Luck
Text C Deep—Six:Fishing for Sailors’Expressions
Unit 4 Maritime Trade
Text A Shipwreck Nanhai1”to Emerge from Water
Text B Liverpool’S Fortune Unit1  Sea GodsMyths and Legends Text A  Mazu Text B  Legends of Sirens Text C  The Flying Dutchman Unit 2  Maritime Literature Text A  The Old Man and the Sea TeXt B  The First Days on a Desert Island TeXt C  Strolling the Plains Unit 3  Maritime Customs TextA Common Superstitions at Sea TeXt B  Bananas and Bad Luck Text C Deep—Six:Fishing for Sailors’Expressions Unit 4  Maritime Trade Text A Shipwreck Nanhai1”to Emerge from Water Text B  Liverpool’S Fortune Text C  Ancient Chinese Explorers Unit 5  Harbors and Docks Text A Vcnice Text B  Pearl Harbor Survivors’Untold Stories Text C  Boston Tea Party Unit 6  Pirates Text A How I Became a Pirate(1) Text B  How I Became a Pirate(2) Text C  Modem Piracy:The Lawless Sea Unit 7  Water Sports and Recreation Text A  Zac Sunderland Text B  V8Cation in the San Blas Text C  Hong Kong’S Heroine--Lee Laishan Unit 8  Sea Animals Text A Baby Dolphin Rescue:A Happy Story Text B Animals Reunited with Former Trainer(1) Text C Animals Reunited with Former Trainer(2) Tapescripts
