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定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 张黎黎 著
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 教育心理学 教育与发展心理学 心理学


ISBN: 9787118093827 出版时间: 2014-03-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






1 Introduction
 1.1 Research background
 1.2 The origin of ADOG--DOG
 1.3 The previous research about ADOG
 1.4 The construction of the present research
2 ADOG of Chinese Children
 2.1 The ADOG scale for children and the correlation between ADOG and MSLQ
 2.2 The differences between different ADOG learners
3 ADOG of Chinese Middle School Students
 3.1 The ADOG scale for middle school students and the correlation between ADOG and MSLQ
 3.2 The differences between different ADOG learners
4 ADOG of Chinese College Students
 4.1 The ADOG scale for college students and the correlation between ADOG and MSLQ
 4.2 The differences between different ADOG learners
5 General Discussion 1 Introduction  1.1 Research background  1.2 The origin of ADOG--DOG  1.3 The previous research about ADOG  1.4 The construction of the present research 2 ADOG of Chinese Children  2.1 The ADOG scale for children and the correlation between ADOG and MSLQ  2.2 The differences between different ADOG learners 3 ADOG of Chinese Middle School Students  3.1 The ADOG scale for middle school students and the correlation between ADOG and MSLQ  3.2 The differences between different ADOG learners  4 ADOG of Chinese College Students  4.1 The ADOG scale for college students and the correlation between ADOG and MSLQ  4.2 The differences between different ADOG learners  5 General Discussion  5.1 The summary of the present research  5.2 The limitation of the present study and the implication for the future research Reference
