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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科哲学哲学知识读物论语导读(英文版)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 李德发
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 哲学 哲学/宗教 中国古代哲学


ISBN: 9787510435751 出版时间: 2014-09-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Chapter 1 The Life of Confucius 1. Reaching theSummitof His Career 2. Journeying Through the States 3. The Final Years 4. Why Didn’t Confucius Hand Down His Own Writings? 5. His Important Contributions to Thought 6. Confucius’ Political Ideas Chapter 2 Confucius’ Concept of Education 1. Education for All and Tailored Instruction 2. Lifelong Education 3. Teaching and Learning Go Hand-in-Hand 4. Preaching and Education for a Better World 5. Confucius’ Famous Disciples Chapter 3 Ethics and Kinship Ties 1. Filial Piety and Fraternal Affection 2. Forming Friendships 3. The Golden Mean Chapter 4 Exercising Self-restraint and Restoring the Rites 1. Breaking Away from the Fetters of the Rites of Zhou 2. Inheriting and Developing the Various Kinds of Ceremony Chapter 5 Benevolence 1. Benevolence Means Love for Others 2. How Does One Practice True Benevolence? 3. Benevolence in the Political Domain 4. The Meaning of Benevolent Rule Chapter 6 Government by Non-action 1. The Meaning of Government by Non-action 2. Protecting the Interests of the People 3. Not Exceeding the Realm of the Way and Virtue Chapter 7 The Gentleman 1. Breaking Free from the Bonds of Status 2. Unity of Thought and Action 3. The Difference between the Gentleman and the Petty Man 4. Magnanimity 5. Sincerity 6. Overcoming Weaknesses 7. Self-reflection 8. Self-cultivation  
